Adding Additional Non Order Invoice Approvers
Non-order approvers need to be added in to a keylist in order for them to appear on the non-order invoice approver list.
This topic outlines how to add a non-order approver to the Authoriser Keylist so that the user can be selected as an approver in the non-order approver list and, if they do not already have access to the non-order invoice document type, how to give that access to their user group.
To create an additional non-order invoice approver:
- Go to Masters > Keylist.
Do not use the Add or Delete buttons at the bottom of the Keylist screen as you could delete your entire keylist.Right-Click in the white space on the right hand side near the current list and click Insert.
- Enter the Username for the required approver as it appears in the USERS ledger (Masters > Ledgers > USERS) in the Code field.
- Enter the Title of the User in the Title field.
- Leave all other remaining boxes blank and click Apply.
To allow access to the non-order invoice document type
The approver will need access to the non-order invoice Accounting documents. Typically they may not be Accounting users, but they can still be given access to the documents.
To do this:
- Log into Financials Administrator. This can be accessed from the Admin menu in IRIS Financials (Admin > Administrator) or from the PS Financials folder on your Start menu.
- Expand the PS Financials Folder and click on the PSFLIVE (or your own database) folder.
- Click on the Security Tab. Select the required user group, then select Accounting in the Application menu and then assign an Access Level. Do not close Financials Administrator as you will need to remove their Accounting access again after the next step.
- Log in to PS Accounting as CUSTADMIN or PSFADMIN and go to Admin > Security and find the Usergroup on the left.
- Click on the applicable User group and then find the required non-order invoice document type (**PI) from the list on the right and then tick the box.
- Click the Apply button to save the changes. This will give the user group access to the Accounting document.
- The final stage is to remove the User group's Accounting access. To do this, open Financials Administrator, right click on the applicable User group and select Delete.
The User group will no longer have access toIRIS Financials , but will still be able to view the applicable PS Accounting Document types in MyPortal/PS Purchasing.