Setting the Minimum Data Access Levels

Access levels determine the minimum level required to access data in the system. The levels range from 0-9. Typically, ‘standard’ users have level 3 access, ‘power’ users have level 8 access, whilst System Administrators have level 9 access. The access levels are defined via user groups, then the minimum access level required for the data in specific accounts such as ledgers, nominals, cost centres, and so on, is specified on the Security tab of the specific account.

The following example shows how to restrict access to a VAT period. Most users have level 3 access, therefore, in order to restrict access to an account (such as a VAT period), you need to increase the access level.

  1. Go to Maintenance, then select Accounts from the menu.
  2. Double-select to select the required ledger from the Select a ledger dialog. In the following example, the VAT ledger has been selected.

  3. The Account Maintenance window is displayed according to the selected ledger. Select the required VAT account from the left-hand panel, select the Security tab, then select EDIT.

  4. Change the Access Level as required. Typically, this would be changed to 8, enabling only power users of the system to access this account. Select SAVE.
  5. An Update complete message is displayed. Select OK to close the message and return to the previous window.