Post Faster Payments

Payments made directly from your organisation's bank account for payments that do not have a specific document type, must be posted using a BACS Payment document.

  1. Go to Documents, then select Document Input....

  2. On Document Input, select: 

    1. The BACS Payment (XXB1) Document Type.
    2. In Input Form, select Miscellaneous Payment
    3. The Document Date and Document Period default to today's date and the current accounting period. The date must be the same date as the date of the transaction. To change the details:

      • For Document Date — Enter the date or select it from the calendar.
      • For Period Date — Select ?, then double-click the required period.
    4. To display the document input form, select OK.

  3. Bank automatically populates the default bank account for the location. If it is blank, or to change the bank account, double-click, then select the required details.

  4. The Document Date defaults to the date entered on Document Input. The date must be the same date as the date of the transaction. To change the date, enter the date or select it from the calendar.

  5. Enter the total value of the transactions in Amount (do not enter any currency symbols, such as, £, $.).

  6. Enter a Description for all the transactions the document relates to.

  7. To enter the nominal the transaction must be posted to, double-click in Nominal, then double-click to select the nominal.

    An Account must be entered for nominals linked to ledgers. If the nominal is not linked, Account can be left blank.

  8. To select the Account the payments relate to, double-click, then on the required account.

  9. Enter the total amount for the payment excluding VAT in Gross (do not enter any currency symbols, such as, £, $.). The Net value automatically calculates when the VAT Rate is entered.

  10. To automatically calculate the VAT £ total, double-click in VAT Rate, then double-click the required VAT rate.

  11. Enter a Description for the transaction.

    To enter a more detailed description:

    1. Press and hold Ctrl + F8.
    2. Enter the details.
    3. To add the date an time, select Date Stamp.
    4. To save, select OK.
  12. If the transaction is a prepayment, to include the duration of the payments, enter the Prepayment Start Date and Prepayment End Date.

  13. To add more transactions or balancing values, a row must be added for each one. Select the blank column at the end of the completed row, then press Tab or select INSERT ROW.

  14. To post the document, select POST.