Create an ISO20022 BACS Media File

Payment Runs - Step 5 Back to Set Up Payment Runs

To make the payments added to a payment list, a media file must be created to upload the details to the bank.

Using a different file format? — Create a BACS or Other Payment Type Media File.
The type of media file required varies depending on your bank's requirements. If you are not using the ISO20022 file and are not sure what type of file to create, contact your bank.

Media files can only be created for payment lists in Waiting for media approval state.

  1. Go to Payments, then select Payment Run History.

  2. Select the required payment run, then DOWNLOAD MEDIA.
  3. Save the file.

    Media files that require authorisation must be approved before being uploaded to the bank.

  4. Upload the file to the bank.

    If you are not sure how to upload the file, for more information, contact your bank.

Did you know? 
If there is a problem uploading the file to the bank or you cannot find the saved file, you can recreate the media.