Adding a New Fixed Asset Type to the ASSET_TYPE Keylist

Once a new fixed asset type has been created, you need to add the asset type to the ASSET_TYPE keylist. Keylists identify the options available for selection during various processes and also define how depreciation is calculated.

  1. Select Maintenance, then select Keylists from the menu.

  2. They Keylist Maintenance window is displayed. Select ASSET_TYPE - Asset Types from the left-hand panel. Next, select ADD NEW, then select KEY. It is essential that the correct asset type is selected. You must also ensure that you do not select KEYLIST when ADD NEW is selected as this creates a brand new keylist rather than a new entry in the ASSET_TYPE keylist.

  3. The ASSET_TYPE - Asset Types panel displays any previously defined asset types. A <New item> is displayed at the end of the list and all applicable fields are enabled and empty.

  4. Enter the same code used for the previously created asset type in Key, in the following example, ITEQUIP48, has been entered. The asset type code and the keylist code must match exactly (and are case sensitive).

  5. Enter a title for the keylist entry in Title, e.g.Laptops 48 Months Depreciation. Leave Number and Value at zero.

  6. Enter the disposals nominal GLCode for the related asset type in Text, e.g. 9010, then select SAVE.

  7. An Update complete message is displayed. Select OK to close the message and return to the previous window.