Recording Nominal Receipts

Some Of the nominals and ledgers used in this topic may be different to those in your chart of accounts.

This topic assumes you are familiar with selecting and completing document input forms (i.e. selecting dates, periods, and accounts, etc.) For more information, please see Completing Document Input Forms.

Nominal Receipts are used to record income that is not associated with a sales invoice, i.e. VAT reimbursements, or proceeds from a fundraising event, etc.

  1. Select Documents, then select Document Input from the menu.
  2. The Document Input dialog is displayed. Select Drill (...) in Document type, then double-select to select ASNR- Nominal Receipt (where AS represents the location code of the document type) from the Select a document type dialog.

  3. The Nominal Receipt input form is then displayed in Input form. The Number defaults to the next number in the sequence for the selected document type.
  4. The Date defaults to the current date and can be changed by selecting the down arrow and selecting the required date from the calendar. The date must be the same as the date the payment was made to the bank.
  5. The Period defaults to the current accounting period and can be changed by selecting Drill (...) in Period, then double-selecting to select the required period from the Select a period dialog. The period needs to be the accounting period in which the revenue was generated. If the required accounting period is now closed and no longer available, select the next open accounting period.
  6. Select OK to confirm your selections. The Nominal Receipt document input form is displayed populated with the details entered in the Document Input dialog.
  7. Double-select in Bank, then double-select to select the applicable bank account to which the revenue was paid from the Select account dialog.
  8. Double-select in Paying In/ Direct Bank, then an option from the Select PAYINORBANK key dialog.
    The following options are available:
    BANK-CASH - if cash has been paid directly into the bank account, this then posts the payment to the selected bank account.
    PAYIN - if the money was paid to the bank using a paying-in-slip.
    If the money received is being (or has been) paid into the bank, you also need to complete a Paying In Slip document. For more information, please see Recording Money Paid into the Bank (Paying in Slip).
  9. Enter the full amount of the receipt in Amount.
  10. Enter a description to help identify the receipt in Description.
  11. Next, enter the details for each item of the receipt on a separate detail lines. Select the income nominal and account to which the payment should be posted. Double-select in Nominal, then double-select to select the required income nominal from the Select a nominal dialog. Double-select in Account, then double-select to select the required account from the Select account dialog.

  12. Enter the value of the item in Gross Value, e.g. 100.00 (do not enter any currency symbols i.e. £, $, etc.)
  13. Double-select in VAT Rate, then select the applicable VAT rate from the Select VATRATES key dialog. The VAT£ and Net Value are automatically calculated.
  14. Enter a description for the item in Description, e.g. Spring Cake Sale - Funds.
  15. When you have completed all the required receipt details, press F5 or select POST.
  16. A blank Nominal Receipt document input form is displayed. A link to the posted Nominal Receipt is displayed in the Documents Posted panel. Select the link to display the document details in a Document Enquiry window.