Provide a User Access to Reporting Services

If a new user needs to view reports via the Reporting Suite or ,IRIS Financials Purchasing they need to be set up as a Reporting Services user. This process is only required for customers not using our PS Cloud environment.

The processes outlined in this topic must be completed on the SQL and Report server (if you have one). You may therefore need to speak to your IT department/provider for assistance. The example shown in this topic uses Microsoft SQL Server 2016.

Adding a New Reporting Services User

  1. On the Report Server (if you have one - SQL Server it not), open an internet browser and enter http://[Servername]/reports in the address bar. For example, if your server is called aaw05, the address is http://aaw05/reports.
  2. The SQL Server Reporting Services window is displayed. Select Manager Folder on the toolbar.

    In previous versions of SQL server, this may be called Folder Settings.

  3. The Security page is displayed. Select + Add group or user on the toolbar.

  4. Enter the full Windows domain user name (not IRIS Financials user name) in Group or user:, then select Browser. If you are adding an ACTIVE DIRECTORY USER Group, this must be set up by your IT department in their Active Directory.

  5. Select the OK button to save the changes.

Giving the User Access to Reporting Services

The next step is to add the user to the XUSERLOGIN table on the SQL database. This enables the user to be able to login to Reporting Services.

  1. On the SQL server, open and log in to Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.

  2. From the Object Explorer panel, expand the Databases, PSFSYSTEM then the Tables folder to display the tables in the SQL database.
  3. Right-select the dbo.XUSERLOGIN table, then select Edit Top 200 Rows from the pop-up menu.

  4. Scroll to the bottom of the list of users and select in NULL on the USERID row, as shown in the following graphic. Enter the IRIS Financials user name of the new user. This is the user name set up in the USERS ledger in IRIS Financials when the user was first added to the system.

  5. Press the Tab key to move to DOMAINNAME and enter the new user's Windows user name.

  6. Press the Tab key to create a new NULL line, which automatically saves the record. You can now close the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio window.