Release Notes - v 2.23.10 - March 2023

This topic provides information about new features and fixes in version 2.23.10 of PS People.

New Features

NEST Additional Pension File Format for Enrolment and Submission

NEST enrolment and submission transfer templates can now be created in .csv format to support changes to NEST Pension provider changes.

To access the Nest Enrolment (CSV) and NEST Submission (CSV) transfer templates, go to Payroll, select Definitions, then Transfer Template.

Improved Support for Workflow Problems

The Catalyst Support team now has additional guidance they can to provide and tools to help identify issues when you report problems with Workflows.

Tax Year Updates

  • When rolling over to the new Tax Year period, the tax year in the RTI returns file will be displayed as 2023/24 when the EPS or FPS process is run.

  • An updated version of the P60 report is available when producing P60s for the current tax year 2022/23.

Logging Improvements

  • If using logging:
    • Sensitive data is no longer displayed in logging files
    • When a P45 for the previous year is being created in the current year, additional information is now being recorded for error resolution

Absence Period in Calendar

How long an employee has been absent, is now displayed when hovering over an absence block in the Self Service Portal calendar.

Fixes and Updates

Further Education Workforce Module File Submission Process

To bring the Further Education Workforce module submission process in line with EFSA specifications, the following issues have been resolved: 

  • All required identifying information is now displayed in the header.
  • Correct academic year period is displayed rather than the start of the year, for example, 2122 instead of 2021.
  • If the Teacher Data section of the Employee form has not been completed, a separate section is no longer created.

Pre-Printed Stationery Wizard

Resolved issues automatically sending P60s or payslips by email when using the Pre-Printed Stationery Wizard.

To send emails for payslips, a work email address must have been entered in Personal Details or a personal email address entered in Address Sheet in the employee HR Record.

Other Fixes and Updates

  • Contract statuses are no longer automatically set to Proposed if the start date is in the future, or Historical if the end date is in the past.
  • Newly added Workflows with more than one action can now be saved.
  • Existing Workflows can now have more than one action added.
  • Changes made in Religious ID using the Self Service Portal are now correctly saved and displayed on the Extended Equal Opportunities page.
  • P60s and payslips no longer automatically sent as an email when viewed in the Self Service Portal.
  • Workflows set to New or Updated Record (External) now automatically send emails when records matching the workflow are updated in theSelf Service Portal.
  • Improved GetGot API functionality to resolve issues with applicants automatically downloading.
  • Payslips now save correctly in the PDF Document Store.
  • Resolved issues when transferring EPS and FPS files to the Government Gateway.