Rewards and conduct wizards

Use the Rewards and Conduct wizards to add reward and conduct records without accessing the Rewards and Conducts module. This is a useful tool for teaching staff.

The Rewards and Conduct wizard must be enabled for each reward/conduct type before this feature can be used. Rewards and Conduct > Configuration > Manager Module Types > Edit Type Properties > Wizard.

Wizard permissions must be enabled for each reward/conduct type before this feature can be used. Rewards and Conduct > Configuration > Manager Module Types > Edit Type Properties > Permissions 'Allowed'.

Choose to add records for individual students or groups of students and work through the two steps of the wizard. All the wizards available work in the same way.

Step 1 of 2

To add reward and conduct records, follow the steps below:

  1. Open the Rewards and Conduct heading in the wizard bar on the right of your desktop and select the wizard you want to use. Step 1 of the wizard is displayed:
  2. Complete the sections displayed in the wizard:
    Record Option Use the drop-down list to select the type of reward and conduct record you want to add.
    Entry Type Select to add either:
    • A single record. Use this to add one record or multiple records for the same student.
    • Multiple records. Use this option to add records of the same type to a group of students. For example, use this to award a 'Gold Star' to all the students in your tutor group.
  3. Select Next Step to open Step 2 of the wizard.

Step 2 of 2

The second step of the wizard is determined by whether you have selected to add a single record or multiple records.