Off Games tab

Use the Off Games widget in your dashboard to view students who are marked as Off Games:

All of the students currently marked as off games are listed with basic details.

  1. Select a Student's Name to view the Student Information window. Contact details for the student can be found here if you need them.
  2. Select an Author name to view the User Information window. Contact details for the user who marked the student off games can be found here.
  3. Use the buttons under the off games list to:
    • Print List. Print a hard copy of the Current Off Games List.
    • Add Entry. Use the wizard displayed to add a new off games entry. Notifications of new entries will be made via the iParent and iStudent Apps If the appropriate push notification settings have been enabled in the Mobile & Tablet Manager module.
    • Manage Off Games. Edit off games entries or re-instate a student as fit for games.