Set up characterisitics for school census
To ensure that the Census Manager works as expected for the School Census you must ensure that the appropriate fields are populated in the School Characteristics tab.
See School census 2021/2022 field guide for a complete list of fields which must be populated in the Census Manager module.
Work through the options available in the right hand menu:
- Manage Reference Numbers
- Manage School Details
- Manage Special School Data
- Manage Pupil Referral Unit Data
- Manage Admissions Appeals
- Manage Pupil Reconciliation Data
- Manage Class Data
- Manage Childcare Data
- Manage Free Meals Taken
Reference Numbers
All of the Reference Numbers fields need to be populated
by all schools, for all censuses throughout the year:
School Details
The fields in this screen need to be populated by all schools, for all censuses throughout the year.
Special School Data
The fields in this screen only need to be populated by Special schools for the Spring School Census.
Pupil Referral Unit Data
The fields in this screen need to be populated by Pupil Referral Units for the Spring School Census.
Admissions Appeals
The Primary Admissions Appeals fields need to be populated by Primary, Middle-Deemed Primary and All-Through schools for the Spring School Census.
The Infant Admissions Appeals fields need to be populated by Primary and All-Through schools for the Spring School Census.
The Secondary Admissions Appeals fields need to be populated by Middle-Deemed Secondary, Secondary and All-Through schools for the Spring School Census.
Pupil Reconciliation Data
The fields in this screen need to be populated by Primary, Middle-Deemed Primary, Middle-Deemed Secondary, Secondary and All-Through schools for the Spring School Census.
Work Experience and FE College only need to be populated by Middle-Deemed Secondary, Secondary and All-Through schools.
Class Data
The fields in this screen need to be populated by Primary, Middle-Deemed Primary, Middle-Deemed Secondary, Secondary and All-Through schools for the Spring School Census.
In a Key Stage 1 class or Reception class in a Primary or All-Through school, if there are more than 31 students in a class, the following fields need to be completed:
- Number of teachers on planning and preparation time (PPA) or learning manager time (LMT).
- Exception Categories.
Childcare Data
The fields in this screen need to be populated by Nursery, Primary, Middle-Deemed Primary, Middle-Deemed Secondary, Secondary, All-Through, Special schools and Pupil Referral Units for the Spring School Census.
Free Meals Taken
This screen needs to be populated by Nursery, Primary, Middle-Deemed Primary, Middle-Deemed Secondary, Secondary, All-Through and Special schools for the Spring School Census.
This is the number of free school meals taken on Census Day rather than the number of pupils eligible for free school meals.