IRIS FasTrak Settings

By navigating to Maintenance – Settings, you can change a number of options for IRIS FasTrak. Note that caution should be taken when changing these settings. If you are unsure of what a setting does, please contact your support provider for assistance.

For each setting you change, remember to select the Save button to apply your changes.

Admin Setup

  • Grab Bag o Number of product rows on the grab bag till.
    • Default value: 3
  • Max Image Size o Maximum size in Kb of an imported image
    • Default value: 64
  • Till o Which tills to display (standard/grab bag/both)
    • Default value: None

Client Setup

  • Allow Cash Transactions o Allow cash transaction on the till
    • Default value: No
  • Demo Mode
    • Sets the client into demo mode
      • Default value: False
    • Display Balance - Show balances on the till line display
    • Default value: Display Student balance
    • Display Startup Message - The startup message on the till line display
    • Default value: Cashless Catering [Version]
    • Grab Bag Barcode - Print a transaction barcode on the grab bag till receipts
    • Default value: Print Barcode
    • Grab Bag Display - Displays message on till when in grab bag mode
    • Default value: Please choose a grab bag
    • Idle Time Delay - The time in minutes before any idle time processing begins
    • Default value: 30
    • Logo Name
      • The default logo file located in the html\image folder
        • Default value: FasTrak [logo name].png
      • Name Display o The way customer names are displayed on-screen
      • Default value: First Name / Last Name
      • Play Sound - The client uses sound
      • Default value: False
      • Preorder Till - The return choice page for the preorder till
      • Default value: Remain on photo page
      • Print Footer - The footer printed on till receipts
      • Default value: Printed by FasTrak
      • Print Header - The header printed on till receipts
      • Default value: FasTrak Catering
      • Print Startup - Test the printer when the till is connected
      • Default value: None
      • Registration - Registration option for the whiteboard client
      • Default value: Preorder Registration
      • Test Day End - Test for preorders from previous days indicating no day end has been run
      • Default value: Test for anomalous preorders
      • Warning Popup Footer - The footer for the warning popup
      • Default value: Do you wish to continue?
      • Warning Popup Header - The header for the warning popup
      • Default value: The chosen product contains
      • Warning Popup Title - The title of the warning popup
      • Default value: Product Warning

Financial Setup

  • Balance Minimum - The minimum balance warning level
  • Default value: 5.00
  • Balance Warn - The warning level for a balance
  • Default value: 10.00
  • FSM Amount
    • Amount credited to an account for free school meals
      • Default value: 2.00 - Global Daily Spend
    • The global daily spend limit
      • Default value: 10.00
    • Global Overdraft Limit - The global allowable overdraft
    • Default value: 10.00
    • SVM Amount
      • The supervisor meals allowance
        • Default value: 2.40
      • UIFSM Amount
        • Universal free school meals allowance
          • Default value: 2.30
        • UIFSM Classes - Classes qualifying for Universal Infant Free School Meals
        • Default value: Nursery, 1A, 2A
        • UIFSM Years - Year-groups qualifying for Universal Infant Free School Meals
        • Default value: n/a
        • VAT
          • The current VAT rate
            • Default value: 20.00

PreOrder Settings

  • Copy Advanced Interval o Delay between attempts to copy online pre-orders to current pre-orders
    • Default value: 20 minutes
  • Cut-off Days - A pre-order cannot be set or changed less than this far ahead
    • Default value: 1 day
  • Menu Upload Interval - Time to wait between attempts to upload menus
    • Default value: 50 minutes
  • Pre-Order Download Interval - Time to wait between attempts to download pre-orders
    • Default value: 30 minutes

Proxy Settings

  • Enabled - The system uses a proxy server
  • Default value: False
  • Password - The password associated with username for proxy server
  • Proxy Address - Address and port of the proxy server
  • UserName - A username that can be used to connect to proxy server


  • Document Heading Logo - The logo used in reports
    • Default value: FasTrak.png
  • Table Heading Colour - The colour used by the table headings
    • Default value: 255,140,0

sQuid Options

  • End Point Address - End point address for sQuid connection
    • Default value: False
  • IssuerId - Issuer ID provided by FasTrak / sQuid
  • MerchantId - Merchant ID provided by FasTrak / sQuid
  • Password - Password provided by FasTrak / sQuid
  • Writeback Delay - Delay in seconds between updates
    • Default value: 5

ParentPay Options

  • DinerSnapshotID - ID of last Diner Dataset processed - Internal Usage
  • Enabled - Turn on ParentPay integration
  • Default value: False
  • End Point Address - End Point Address for ParentPay Connection
  • LastPaymentID - ID of last payment processed - Internal Usage
  • LastTransactionID - ID of last transaction processed - Internal Usage
  • MenuSnapshotID
    • ID of last menu dataset processed - Internal Usage
  • MenuSourceID - MenuSource ID provided by FasTrak / ParentPay
  • Password - Password provided by FasTrak / ParentPay
  • SchoolID - School ID provided by FasTrak / ParentPay
  • Username
    • Username provided by FasTrak / ParentPay
  • Writeback Delay - Delay in seconds between updates
  • Default value: 5


Selected Menu - Sets which week index is used for the current pre-order menu

  • Default value: 0


Transaction Point - The point at which a transaction is complete

  • Default value: At collection