IRIS FasTrak Reports Introduction

IRIS FasTrak provides a detailed set of built-in reports. Select the Reports section to view these. You can filter the displayed reports by selecting one of the categories from the toolbar – Financial, Customer, Product, and Diagnostic. The Favourites category includes some of the most frequently used reports.

Reports can be produced by selecting one of the built-in reports, and then clicking Open Report from the toolbar. Alternatively, you can configure a variety of options including custom date ranges, sort options, and filtering after selecting a report.

Setting custom dates

Common date ranges, such as previous 7 days, next 7 days, current month, previous month, current year, and previous year can be chosen by selecting the Set Dates button. You can also set your own report dates if you want to run reports for a specific date range which isn’t included as a default option, such as term times or school holidays.

Per-user reports

Certain reports, such as Transactions, Historical Pre-orders, Attendance, and Customer Diet are run on a per-user basis. To run these reports, select the person you want to run the report for from the People view, and then select the Reports view to choose the report that you want to run.

Information on each available report, including report contents and potential uses, can be found in FasTrak Admin’s help section. The report help files are split into their relevant categories.