Adding Notes/Comments to Reports

An extremely useful feature in IRIS Analytics is the ability to add comments to reports. Depending on the way that the report has been configured, you may be able to write notes to provide annotations, commentary or context for the data displayed in the report.

Adding/Editing a Comment

Click in the Comments column adjacent to the row you want to comment on. Alternatively, scroll to the bottom the report to add a comment applicable to the whole report.

balance sheet report example with no comments

The comment popup window is displayed. Enter the required comment then click the OK button.

balance sheet report example with comments added

The comment is then displayed in the Comments column on the selected row.

balance sheet report example with comments saved

Click on the comment if further edits are required.

Formatting the Comment

The following options are available to format the comments as required:

formatting comments bold icon

Makes the selected text bold.

formatting comments italic icon

Makes the selected text italic.

formatting comments underline icon

Underlines the selected text.

formatting comments bulleted list icon

Starts a bulleted list.

formatting comments numbered list icon

Starts a numbered list.

formatting comments indents icon

Indents the selected text.

formatting comments more options icon

Shows more formatting options including fonts, size, together with the facility to clear formatting and edit the HTML code.

formatting comments view hsitory icon

View the history of the comments.

Viewing Comment History

Once a comment has been added, any subsequent edits are recorded in a history log. This can be viewed by clicking the View History icon.

formatting comments view history icon

The Note History window is then displayed showing the history of the comments in descending data order. Clicking the note author's name will generate a draft email relating to the context of the note.

formatting comments note history window

Deleting a Comment

To maintain the history of comments, it is not possible to delete a comment. You can remove the content of the comment by deleting the text then pressing the F9 key.

Saving the Comments

Comments are saved by pressing the F9 key. Once saved, the green highlight is removed. The full comment can be viewed by hovering over the comment line as shown in the following graphic.

balance sheet report example saving comments