High-Res Printing and Publishing Skylights

When printing Word documents with pictures, there may be circumstances where the image is stretched to a larger size resulting in a 'blocked' appearance. This is because images are captured at a given size as a Picture object, but when resized in Word, the original image is stretched.

To work around this, Skylights for Word adds a feature to print in higher resolution, known as High-Res Publish.

High-Res Publish takes a higher resolution snapshot of the underlying URL (web page) so that when the Picture object is stretched to produce a printed document, there will be greater detail and the blocked appearance therefore reduced.

This feature relies on content having a larger resolution available. That is, all text and HTML generated content within a report can be rendered at any resolution. However, images cannot be produced in any greater detail than what is available.

If the resulting resolution is not adequately sharp or detailed, try these suggestions to help ensure you are getting the best results:

  • Change the font used in the Skylight. If it’s an IRIS Analytics report, try using Arial instead of the default Calibri, for example, and/or making the font size larger.

  • When selecting the Skylight boundary box, keep it tight around the edges (no space).

  • Keep the zoom as high as you can when making a selection, if the image can be represented at 70% instead of 60%, this will ensure a slightly higher resolution.

  • Once the Skylight has been created as a Picture object, in Word, resize the image to as large as will fit within the margins (or whatever will print).

Area outside this Body Placeholder represents the layout of the Master Page which will not be shown in the associated topics but will be present in the output. The Body Placeholder content will be replaced by actual topic content in the output.