Selecting an Existing Data View

There are two methods of selecting existing data views depending on whether they are default data views or views that have been previously saved.

Selecting a Saved Data View

  1. An existing data view is selected by clicking the Data drawer on the header/toolbar at the top of the application.
  2. The Data panel is displayed, providing a navigation tree which can be expanded to show a list of the available data views that can be selected. Click the arrow adjacent to each item to expand the list.
  3. Click the required data view to open it.

Selecting a Default Data View

Several default data views are provided on installation and further views can be created, saved and shared. To select a default data view:

  1. Click the Views icon on the Sales App panel.
  2. Once clicked, the icon minimises and the available views are displayed immediately below - click a data view name to select it. The selected data view is underlined.
  3. The selected data view is then displayed.