Charity information

Claim to charitable exemption

  • Charity name (if different from trust name)

  • Charity repayment reference

  • Charity Commission Registration number or Scottish Charity Number

  • Claiming exemption from tax on all or part of income and gains?

  • Have all exempt income and gains been applied for charitable purposes?

  • Is there non-exempt income to be included elsewhere in this tax return?

Return period

  • Returning information for year ended 5 April [year]

  • If not, specify start of period, end of period

  • Are accounts included with return?

  • If no, explain why?


  • Income tax already claimed on form R68

  • Total repayment due

  • Either: further repayment due

  • Or: amount overclaimed

  • Has further repayment already been included in form R68?

Income on which exemption is claimed

  • Total turnover from exempt trading activities’

  • Investment income

  • UK land & buildings income

  • Gift aid

  • Other charities

  • Legacies

  • Gifts of shares and securities received

  • Gifts of real property received

  • Other sources

Expenses as included in the charity accounts

  • Trading costs

  • UK land and buildings

  • All general administration costs

  • All grants and donations made in the UK

  • All grants and donations made outside the UK

  • Others (not included elsewhere)

Assets held at 5th April [year]

  • Tangible fixed assets

  • UK investments (excluding controlled companies)

  • Overseas investments

  • Loans and non-trade debtors

  • Other current assets

  • Were all investments and loans qualifying?

  • Value of any non-qualifying investments and loans

  • Number of subsidiary or associated companies controlled at 5 April [year]