Disposals of chargeable assets

This screen is accessed via the Data Input tab within the tax return. Data is entered via a grid, additional lines will be available once the first line is entered. See HMRC guide SA803.

Partnership Chargeable Asset Disposals

  • Description of asset - enter the details of the asset that has been disposed, this information will appear on the tax return.

  • Disposal date - the date of disposal will usually be the date when ownership of the asset was effectively transferred. If the disposal was made by way of a contract, the date of disposal is usually the date of the contract.

  • Unlisted share or security - tick the box if the asset was an unlisted share or other security.

  • Proceeds - enter the total amount of disposal proceeds.

  • Details - enter any further details i.e. where a valuation has been shown rather that the actual proceeds.

Additional text note for the tax return

Enter any additional text to be added to the white space on the return.