Capital losses SA100

This tab allows input and allocation of Capital losses arising and brought forward, and is accessed via the Data Input tab within the tax return.

For related information, select the links below:

Losses for the year

Losses for the year - the total losses arising in the year. This field may not be editable if disposals have been entered in the Disposals tab. To override the figure, select the Gains Summary tab to enable the override of summary figures.

Losses used against income

  • Losses used against [current year] income - some capital losses can be used against income. See HMRC Helpsheet 286 for further details.

  • Amount relating to shares to which EIS/Seed EIS relief is attributable - enter the amount of the loss being used against income which relates to EIS/Seed EIS shares.

  • Losses used against [prior year] income - enter the amount of losses being used against income from earlier years.

  • Amount relating to shares to which EIS/Seed EIS relief is attributable - enter the amount of losses being used against income from earlier years related to EIS / Seed EIS shares.

Allocation of losses

  • Gains for the year before losses

  • Income losses set against gains - in some cases, trading losses can be set against gains. Enter the income losses set against gains of the year. See HMRC Helpsheet 227 Losses.

  • Net gains after losses

  • Losses brought forward

  • Losses brought forward used against gains - specify the amount of losses used against gains. You do not need to allocate all of the losses brought forward - it is common to allocate only enough losses to reduce the net gain to the Annual Exempt Amount.

  • Losses used against an earlier years gain - if the tax payer died during the tax year, losses arising this year can be allocated against earlier year gains. Enter the amount to carry back.

  • Losses to carry forward - enter the total losses to carry forward.

Additional text note for Tax Return

Enter any additional information you wish to appear in the white space of the tax return.