Research and Development allowances
This grid allows entry and calculation of Research and Development Capital Allowances (RDA). A 100% allowance is available on qualifying RDA expenditure.
Description of expenditure - enter a brief description of the expenditure.
Qualifying amount - enter the qualifying amount of R&D expenditure.
RDA not claimed - if you do not wish to claim the entire 100% RDA, enter the amount not claimed.
RDA @ 100% - this field will show the RDA claimed.
Unclaimed RDA b/fwd - enter any unclaimed RDA brought forward from an earlier period. If the tax return was rolled forward from a previous period this field will already be completed.
Disposals - if the asset was sold in the current period enter the disposal value.
Balancing charge - enter any balancing charge that may be applicable after disposal of assets on which RDA has previously been claimed.
Unused RDA c/fwd - this column displays the unused RDA (if any) that will be carried forward to the next period.
To delete a line from the grid, select the ‘trash can‘ icon at the end of the line.