Plant and machinery - special rate pool (asset movements)

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Asset movements

This tab contains two grids. The first allows entry of additions to the pool, the second contains disposals.

Plant and machinery – special rate pool – additions

  • Description - enter a brief description of the expenditure.

  • Date of expenditure - enter the date of the expenditure, which must be within the accounting period. For pre-commencement expenditure, enter the start date of the accounting period.

  • Amount - enter the amount of the expenditure. Do not enter pence.

  • Qualifies for AIA? - if the expenditure qualifies for AIA then tick the box. AIA can be claimed on most expenditure except cars.

  • Qualifies for 100% FYA - if the expenditure qualifies for 100% First Year Allowance then tick the box.

  • Environmentally friendly - if the expenditure is for environmentally friendly plant & machinery then tick the box.

To delete a line from the grid, select the ‘trash can‘ icon at the end of the line.

Plant and machinery – special rate pool – disposals

  • Description - enter a brief description of the disposal.

  • Date sold - enter the date of the disposal. This date should be within the accounting period.

  • Proceeds - enter the disposal proceeds, or the market value if applicable. Be sure to limit the sale proceeds to the original acquisition cost, unless the disposal is not at arm’s length.

To delete a line from the grid, select the ’trash can‘ icon at the end of the line.