Know-how pool

This section allows input and calculation of the Know-how allowances pool.

  1. Enter the written down valueof the pool brought forward from the previous period. If the information was rolled forward from a previous period then the written down value will already be populated.

Additions and disposals

  1. Enter the value of any expenditure in the current period.

  2. Enter the value of any disposals in the period.

  • Balancing allowance/(charge) – this field will show any calculated balancing allowance or balancing charge for the period. A balancing allowance will only arise on the pool when the business or qualifying activity is ceasing.

Writing down allowance

  • Residue – this field will show the balance that is eligible for writing down allowances. This is calculated from the written down value brought forward, plus additional expenditure, minus any disposals.

  • WDA @ 25% – this field will show the writing down allowance claimed on the remaining pool balance. Where the period straddles a rate change the rate will be adjusted accordingly.

  • WDA not claimed – if you wish to disclaim any writing down allowances, input the amount not claimed. This will remain in the pool to be relieved in a future period.

Carry forward

Written down value c/fwd – this field will show the pool residue to be carried forward to the next period. When the tax return for the next period is created, this balance will be brought forward into the new period.