Integration with Xero

Importing data into Taxfiler by IRIS:

  • Importing client data

  • Importing values for self-employment onto a tax return

Data flow

All data is moved from Xero to Taxfiler by IRIS, no values are returned to Xero.

Importing data into Taxfiler by IRIS

Import client data

  1. From the Clients tab, select Create new client.

  2. Select Import client from..., a window displays that allows you to select Xero, or to cancel

  3. Log in to Xero. A window displays requesting that you allow Taxfiler by IRIS to access the data:

  4. Select Allow access. This will return you to the Taxfiler by IRIS site, and the client information section within Taxfiler by IRIS will be populated.

  5. Enter a client code.

  6. Select Create to complete the process.

Import values for self-employment onto a tax return

Taxfiler by IRIS can download balances straight from your Xero accounts for your sole trader clients.

  1. Open your client within Taxfiler by IRIS, and create a new tax return.

  2. Select Create and then go to the Data Input tab.

  3. Select Add a new section. A list of all the relevant tax return sections is displayed.

  4. Select Self-employment. A new window is opened. Select the Import accounts.. option.

  5. Select Xero (Cloud Accounting). This brings you to the Xero log in screen.

  6. Enter your login details as requested. A window will open requesting that you allow Taxfiler by IRIS to access the data. This will return you to the Taxfiler by IRIS site, with a request to review the balances:

  7. Select Review balances. A new window displays with the option to amend the mappings and enter any disallowed expenses.

  8. Once any changes have been made select Save.

Values are then imported onto the Taxfiler by IRIS Trade / Profession / vocation data input tab. These values can be edited.

Changes made within Taxfiler by IRIS are not returned to Xero.