Archive and restore function

Complete your filing for a client, before archiving the file to your own computer / laptop. After archiving, remove the data from your database.

Archive a client from your Taxfiler by IRIS database

  1. Go to CLIENTS and select the client you want to archive.

  2. Select the Archive / Delete tab.

  3. Select Download archived client. The archive file will be downloaded to your computer in the default downloads directory, unless otherwise stipulated .

Before you delete the file from your live database:

  1. Rename or amend the client name in Taxfiler by IRIS and change the client code, for example to ZZZ (it must not be a duplicated client code), then follow the process below to restore the archived file.

  2. If the file restores correctly, then remove both the renamed file and the restored client file from your main Taxfiler by IRIS database using the delete client option, but retain the archived file on your computer.

Restore a client

  1. Go to CLIENTS and select Restore archived client.

  2. Select Choose file and follow the instructions by selecting, then restoring the client’s archived file.

Data that was incorrectly deleted cannot be restored.