Add services and start jobs

Watch a video tutorial on services and jobs here.

Once you’ve added services to your clients, all the relevant jobs will start automatically.

Add services for new clients

When you first set up a client, Senta will kick off a Client take-on job. You can check which services have been set up for your client by going to their Services / Payment tab. Select Edit, select which services you would like to add and Save. Alternatively, switch on services as part of the Client take on job:

  1. Go to the Client record > Work tab and select Client take-on job.

  2. Go to the Add services / fees task and select the services you want for your new client.

  3. Select Save. Any services that you select will automatically kick off new jobs for the client.

Add services for existing clients

  1. GSo to a client record and select Edit.

  2. Go to the Services / Payment tab and add services using the check boxes.

  3. Select Save to finish.

Senta will kick off the relevant jobs for that client.