Configure services

Enabling services for clients allows Senta by IRIS to kick off jobs for you on a repeating basis.

Add a new service

  1. Go to Settings > Services and select Add service.

  2. Add a service name, description, and choose whether you want it to be manual or automatic.

    A manual service is the default option and allows you to switch on services for your client. Whereas automatic services will apply to all clients. Automatic services are ideal for the day-to-day admin for your practice such as taking on a new client or birthday greetings. If you would like to set up an automatic service that only applies to clients who meeting specific criteria, select Automatically for every client added > Add filter. You can see from the Services page in Settings > Services which services are manual vs automatic by looking at the symbol:

    The lighting bolt indicates an automatic service whilst the hand indicates a manual service.

  3. Go to the Jobs tab to then choose which jobs you'd like to be part of your service.

  4. Select how frequently you want this job to repeat. Here are some examples of available frequencies:

    • A service with a Weekly frequency will repeat on the same day of the week, based on the first day it is set to happen. For example, start date Tuesday 1/3/22 will then repeat every Tuesday (1/3/22 and then 8/3/22, 1,5/3/22 etc.).

    • A service with a Monthly frequency will repeat on the same date of the month, based on the first day it is set to happen. For example, start date Tuesday 1/3/22 will then repeat every 1st of the month (1/4/22 and then 1/5/22, 1/6/22, etc).

    • A service with a Yearly frequency will repeat on the same date of the year, based on the first day it is set to happen. For example, start date Tuesday 1/3/22 will then repeat every 1st March every year (1/3/22 and then 1/3/23, ,1/3/24 etc).

    • If you choose a starting date which does not exist for some years, for example a yearly job recurring on 29/02/20, then for the next 3 years the job will run on 28/02, and will only run on 29/02 for leap years.

    • If you choose for the job to repeat When triggered, you can choose what to use as the trigger field, the trigger type, whether to trigger for the current value, and set the job date. For more information on triggered jobs, see our guide.

  5. Select the Job date (for all frequencies excluding One-off).

    • Form date - the job date will be pulled from a date form field of your choosing. For example, the client's "Date of next payroll" or "Accounting year end date" could be used to kick off the job

    • Fixed date - enter a date into the fixed date field. For example, the 5th of the month could be used as your job date for monthly jobs.

    • Last day of the month - this is available for the Monthly frequency and will set the job date as the last day of the month. For example, 31st January, 28th/29th February, 31st March etc.

    • Last working day of the month - this is available for the Monthly frequency and will set the job date to the last working day of the month. For example, when the last day of the month falls on a Saturday 30th April 2022, the job date will be Friday 29th April 2022.

      Please note: if you change the job date in the service while any jobs are already in progress, Senta will not amend the existing jobs, but will instead create new ones.

  6. Select which date will be set as the Production date.

  7. Add filters to determine which clients the jobs kick off for. For example, if a client can have a weekly or monthly bookkeeping job, add the Bookkeeping frequency field as a filter and choose "Weekly" or "Monthly".

  8. For repeating jobs, you can choose how far ahead Senta will create jobs.  The default date offsets are as follows, relative to the job date:

    Annual jobs : -3m

    Quarterly jobs: -1m

    Monthly jobs: -1m

    Weekly jobs: -1w

    Daily jobs: -1d

    You can manually override the default by entering a different date offset.