Linked fields

Linked form fields can be used to sync data between multiple forms. If you update a field in one form, any fields that it is synced with across other forms will also update to that new value.

When you create a link between fields, the field reference and the internal field reference will be identical across all linked fields. Only those on the Support team are able to alter the internal field reference and therefore remove the link, so only create a linked field when you intend to have an exact copy of an existing field, contents and all.

Fields can be linked in three different ways:

Any fields on the Contact Details form cannot be synced with other fields within Senta.

Use an existing field reference in a new field

When adding a new field to a form, you may be aware that there is a field elsewhere in your Senta by IRIS workspace that you would like the new field to sync with.

1. Find the existing field in your workspace, and copy the field reference to your clipboard. If there is no field reference, add one and save the form. If you're unsure about a field's existence, make use of the search tool in the Client list field picker.

2. Return to the form that you wish to add the new field to, and paste the field reference into the Field reference box. A red message will appear to inform you which field(s) the new field will sync with:

Copy a field

Please note: when copying or moving fields, ensure that the target form is not open in another web browser tab.

1. Find the field you would like to copy and select the double-arrow on the right-hand side of the field.

2. In the field picker, find the form and tab that you would like to copy to and select Copy. In the dialogue box, click Confirm.

You will see that there is also an option to Move a field. This will move the field to the target form so that the field no longer exists on the form you are currently viewing.

Duplicate a Form

To duplicate a form, open the form in Settings > Forms and click the Duplicate button at the top of the page.

You will be given two options:

Copy as linked

The fields within the new duplicated form will be identical to those in the original form and they will be linked together. This means that any value you input into a linked field on the original form, will synchronise across to the other. 

Copy as unlinked

The fields within the new duplicated form will not be linked to the fields on the original forms, and as such, the values you input on the new form will not synchronise across to the original form.  This is helpful if you would like to create a form similar to another form you have set up.