Manage open banking consent

The images and steps in this topic are based on our new design (which you can currently switch on and off). If you haven't switched the new design on, the images may look different.

With open banking, your consent lasts for 90 days. You can reauthorise or remove consent at any time.

Reauthorise a bank feed

  1. Go to Banking > Bank.

  2. Select Manage consents.

  3. For the appropriate account select Reauthorise.

  4. Select Acknowledge and confirm then select Reauthorise.

The bank feed will become unavailable until the reauthorisation process is complete.

Remove consent

  1. Go to Banking > Bank.

  2. Select Manage consents.

  3. For the appropriate account select Remove.

  4. Select Acknowledge and confirm then select Remove.

If you remove consent for a bank feed, all feeds from that provider will be disconnected.