CSV import templates

We've provided various templates to help you create your CSV import file. Use the table below to find the table you need.

Import type Notes CSV template download
Bank Transaction


The bank account must exist in IRIS Elements Cashbook.

Required fields:

  • Money In - the amount to be credited to the bank account. Must be numeric with a maximum of 2 decimal places.

  • Money Out - the amount to be debited from the bank account. Must be numeric with a maximum of 2 decimal places.


Bank transactions MINO CSV template file


The bank account must exist in IRIS Elements Cashbook.


Required fields
  • Value: the amount to be credited (positive value) or debited (negative value) to / from the bank account. Must be numeric with a maximum of 2 decimal places.

  • Transaction Date: the date the money was paid into, or out of the bank account in DD/MM/YYYY format.

  • Bank Account ID: the nominal code for the bank account that the payment was paid to or from (available from your chart of accounts). If you are using the importer to credit / debit more than one account in a single spreadsheet, this field is essential.

Bank transaction CSV template file



Required fields:

  • Customer Code: Unique for every customer. Maximum of 12 alphanumeric characters with no spaces.

  • Title: Mr, Mrs, etc.

  • First Name: Unique for each customer. Maximum of 12 alphanumeric characters with no spaces.

  • Last Name: Unique for each customer. Maximum of 12 alphanumeric characters with no spaces.

Customer CSV template file


The applicable customer must already exist in IRIS Elements Cashbook.


Required fields:

  • Customer Code: unique identification code for the customer. Must be an exact match to IRIS Elements Cashbook.

  • Invoice Number: the invoice number that the line item will be applied to. Must be numeric.

  • Invoice Date: the date the invoice was issued in DD/MM/YYYY format.

  • Due Date: the date the invoice was / is due by in DD/MM/YYYY format.

Invoices CSV template file
Invoice Payment


The respective invoices must already exist in IRIS Elements Cashbook.


Required fields:

  • Invoice Number: the invoice number that the payment will be applied to. Must be numeric.

  • Paid Date: the date that Invoice was paid in DD/MM/YYYY format.

  • Paid Amount: the amount that was paid against the invoice. Must be a numeric with a maximum of 2 decimal places. Do not include the currency symbol.

Invoice payments CSV template file


The respective suppliers must exist in IRIS Elements Cashbook.


Required fields:

  • Supplier Code: the unique identification code for the supplier.

  • Receipt Number: the purchase number that the line item will be applied to. Numeric only.

  • Receipt Date: the date the purchase was issued in DD/MM/YYYY format.

  • Due Date: the date the purchase was / is due by in DD/MM/YYYY format.

Purchase receipts CSV template file
Receipt Payment


The applicable purchase invoices must already exist in IRIS Elements Cashbook.

Required fields:

  • Receipt Number: the purchase number the payment will be applied to.

  • Paid Date: the date the purchase was paid in DD/MM/YYYY format.
    Paid Amount: the amount that was paid against the purchase. Must be a numeric with a maximum of 2 decimal places.

Receipts payments CSV template file
Journal Entry


The journal must balance, otherwise the import will fail.

Any nominal codes used in the journal must already exist in IRIS Elements Cashbook

Required fields:

  • Journal Number: the identification number of the Journal. Must be numeric.

  • Date: the date that the journal is dated in DD/MM/YYYY format.

  • Line Amount: the amount to be credited (negative amount) or debited (positive amount). Must be numeric with a maximum of 2 decimal places.

  • Type Name / Nominal Code: the code to be debited or credited. Must be defined in your Chart of Accounts.

Journal template CSV file

Required fields:

  • Supplier Name: the supplier's name (not contact name). Must be alphanumeric only.

  • Supplier Code: unique for every supplier. Must be a maximum of 12 alphanumeric characters with no spaces.

Suppliers CSV template file
Nominal Code

Required fields:

  • Nominal Type: the area the nominal code is intended for use such as sales type for invoices, etc.

  • Nominal Name: the unique name of your nominal code.

  • Nominal Code: the unique, numeric nominal code.

  • Nominal Code Type: how this nominal code is reported and used. Available options are Turnover, Expenditure, Fixed Asset, Current Asset / Liability, Capital Reserves, Cost of Sale.

Nominal code CSV template file


Respective sales or purchase parent codes must already exist in IRIS Elements Cashbook.


Required fields:

  • Nominal Code: the sales or purchase code as per your chart of accounts.

  • Product Name: the name of your product.

  • Product Code: the code for your product (ideally unique).

  • Description: description of your product.

Products and stock CSV template file

Optional Fields

This table details the optional fields used across various CSV import options. None of these fields are required but if you do want to use them, follow the formatting options below.

Field Header Description Type Example
Address 1  Address line 1 Text 123 Street Road
Address 2  Address line 2 Text Town
Address 3  Address line 3 Text City
Address 4  Address line 4 Text County
Auto-Enter Details  Whether you want the description, price and VAT information to be automatically entered when you select this product Yes or No Yes
Comment  Description of your line item Text VAT Payment
Contact Name  Client contact name Text Mr John Smith
Title Client contact title Text Mr
First name Client contact first name Text John
Last name Client contact last name Text Smith

Please Note

  • If title, first name or last name are present in the CSV file then the contact name field will be ignored and the concatenated value of title, first name and last name will be saved in contact name field.
  • If title, first name or last name are not present in the CSV file and the contact name field is included the system will split the contact name depending on the number of words present, as follows:
    • If contact name is present in CSV as John then first name will be John.
    • If contact name is present in CSV as John Smith then first name will be John and last name will be Smith.
    • If contact name is present in CSV as Mr John Smith then title will be Mr, first name will be John and last name will be Smith.
    • If contact name is present in CSV as Mr John Smith Jones then title will be Mr, first name will be John and last name will be Smith Jones.

Created  Date customer record created Date formatted as DD/MM/YYYY 27/07/2012
Currency Code  The standardised code for the line item currency. If you are using a foreign currency it must already be set up in IRIS Elements Cashbook. Text USD
Customer Reference  A customer reference Text Trade Show
CustomerOrSupplierCode  The customer or supplier Code if recording an advance (or unallocated) payment Text STAP01
Description  Only relevant for sales or purchase codes. Enables the description to be automatically entered when the line item is selected. Alphanumeric. Text 1 Pair Black Shoes
Discount  A percentage as a whole number without the symbol Number 10
Email  Client contact email address Text john@smith.com
Exchange Rate  If you billed your line item in a foreign currency you can specify an exchange rate here. Must be numeric with a maximum of 4 decimal places Number 1.1234
Fax  Fax  Number 1234567890
For Creditors   If you are assigning the payment to the creditors account, you must enter the Creditor Control Account nominal code under the Transaction Type column. Number (Creditor Control Account nominal) 2100
For Debtors  If you are assigning the payment to the debtors account, you must enter the Debtor Control Account nominal code under the Transaction Type column. Number ( Debtor Control Account nominal code) 1100
Journal Comment  This can be a description of your journal Text Year End 2010
Line Charge Type/Purchase Code  The purchase code for your line item as per your chart of accounts. Number 5009
Line-Charge Type/Sales Code The sales code for your line item as per your chart of accounts. Text Sale of Goods
Line-Description  The description of your line item Text White Shoes
Line-Quantity  The quantity of line items Number 5
Line-Rate  The price of a single line item. Must be numeric with a maximum of 2 decimal places. Do not include the currency symbol. Number 5.5
Line-VAT Amount  The amount of VAT that was charged on the line item. Must be numeric with a maximum of 2 decimal places. Do not include the currency symbol. Number 0.5
Line-VAT Rate  The rate of VAT in percent that was applied to this line item. Must be numeric with a maximum of 2 decimal places. Do not include the percentage symbol. Number 17.5
Managed  Whether you want IRIS Elements Cashbook to manage your stock levels Yes or No Yes
Mobile  Mobile number Number 7123456789
N/A VAT  To set your VAT rate as N/A, enter -1. -1 -1
Name  Client Name Text Smith Ltd
Narrative/Journal Line Comment  This can be a description of your credit or debit Text Electric Bill
Nominal Price Managed 

Whether you want the description, price and VAT information to be automatically entered when you enter the sales or purchase code.

Yes or No Yes
Notes  Customer / supplier notes Text This customer always pays on-time
Paid Account  The nominal code of the bank account that the payment was paid from or into as per your Chart of Accounts Number 1201
Payment Method  The method that you paid the supplier or the customer paid you. It must already be defined in your payment methods Text BACS
Payment Note  A note regarding the payment Text Payment was a day late
Payment Terms  The number of days that this customer has to pay their invoices by from invoice date Number 28
Postcode  Post code Text AA1 1AA
Price  The price of this item. Must be numeric with a maximum of 2 decimal places. Do not include the currency symbol. l Number 5.00
Project Number  If you have projects set up in IRIS Elements Cashbook, you can attach this line item to the project by entering the number here. Number 1
Quantity in Stock  The amount of stock of this item you currently hold. Relevant only if stock management is used. Number 100
Show Discount  Show discount on invoices 0 or 1 1=Show discount 0=Do not show discount
Source  Customer source that you have set up in sources Text Online
Stock Warning Level   Alerts you to the amount of remaining stock Number 50
Supplier Reference  Your supplier reference Text ABC12345
Telephone  Telephone number Number 1234567890
Trade Border Type  Border type for EC VAT 0, 1, 2 or 3
  • 0: VAT registered in UK

  • 1: VAT registered in an EC Member State

  • 2: Based outside of the EC

  • 3: VAT registered in an EC Member State and I (the IRIS KashFlow user) am based in Northern Ireland

Transaction Type  The transaction type of your transaction as per your Chart of Accounts Number 4001
Updated  Date customer record was updated date formatted as DD/MM/YYYY 27/07/2012
VAT Amount  The amount of VAT that was charged on the line item. Must be numeric with a maximum of 2 decimal places. Do not include the currency symbol. Number 0.50
VAT Number  VAT number with no spaces and country code if applicable Text GB123456789
VAT Rate  The rate of VAT in percent that was applied to this transaction or item. Must be numeric with a maximum of 2 decimal places. Do not include the percentage symbol. Number 17.5
VATable  Whether the transaction should be considered for VAT reporting, or not 0 or 1 0 = Non-VATable, 1 = VATable (Please note, that if you declare a positive VAT Rate (i.e. “20”) VATable will always be imported as “1” even if you declare “0”.)
Website  Website Text www.smithltd.com
Wholesale Price  If you sell to wholesalers, you can define a wholesale price of this item. Must be numeric with a maximum of 2 decimal places. Do not include the currency symbol. Number 2.00