Audit trail report

The Audit Trail will display any items that were created, changed or deleted between a specific date range along with any items dated in between two dates.

To run the audit report :

  1. Go to Home > Reports.

  2. Select Business then select Audit Trail.

  3. Select either Specific transaction, Transactions dated between or Transactions created or edited or deleted between.

    • Specific transaction - this will run the audit trail for a specific transaction as specified by their Tx Number. That is, '1' would be the first ever transaction in the IRIS KashFlow account.
    • Transactions dated between - this will include transactions that are dated between the Start Date and End Date (inclusive) entered.
    • Transactions created or edited or deleted between - this will show Invoices, Purchases and Transactions that have been created, changed or deleted between the Start Date and End Date (inclusive) entered.

You can only get Transaction Numbers from a less specified Audit Trail, or through API methods

  1. Select which item to include in the report using the checkboxes.

  2. Select Run Report. The report is displayed on screen.

  3. Select Download CSV to export this report as a CSV file to your device.

Understanding the audit trail

The audit trail displays 11 columns of details:

  • Entry Date/Time - this is the date and time that the transaction was entered into IRIS KashFlow.
  • TX Number - this is the audit trail Transaction Number. Everything you enter or change in IRIS KashFlow is given a unique Transaction Number, with which the Audit Trail reports in ascending order.
  • Type - this is a code the kind of transaction the entry relates to:
    • BP = Bank Payment (Money Out Transaction)

    • BR = Bank Receipt (Money In Transaction)

    • CP = Cash Payment

    • CR = Cash Receipt

    • JD = Journal Debit

    • JC = Journal Credit

    • SI = Sales Invoice – default (Positive Valued Invoice Line)

    • SR = Sales Receipt (Invoice Payment)

    • SC = Sales Credit Note (Negative Valued Invoice Line)

    • SD = Discount on Sales Receipt

    • SA = Sales Receipt on Account (Unassigned Debtor Payment)

    • PI = Purchase Invoice (Positive Valued Purchase Line)

    • PP = Purchase Payment

    • PC = Purchase Credit Notes (Negative Valued Purchase Line)

    • PD = Discount on Purchase Payment

    • PA = Purchase Payment on Account (Unassigned Creditor Payment)

  • Date - this is the date that the item is recorded for:
    • Transactions (and Payments)/ Journals this would be the date the money entered or left the Bank Account.
    • Invoices and Purchases (and their Line Items) this would be their Due Date.
  • Reference - Account Codes / Names and/ or assigned Invoice / Purchase Numbers:
    • For Transactions (and Payments)/ Journals this will show the Bank Account, and if applicable, the Invoice / Purchase Number below.
    • For the Line Items of Invoices / Purchases this will show the Customer / Supplier Code, and below the Invoice/ Purchase Number.
  • Value - this is the amount of an item excluding tax.
  • Narrative - this is the Comment of a Journal or Transaction, or Description of the Line Items of an Invoice/ Purchase.
  • VAT is further divided into:
    • Rate - the VAT rate %.
    • Input VAT - this is VAT that you have paid for your Purchases.
    • Output VAT - this is VAT that you have applied to your Sales.
  • Nominal Code - this is the Nominal Code that the item is applied against. The Nominal Code Number is displayed as well as its Name, for example '2100 – Creditors Control'.
  • Changes - if this item has been changed at all a number will be listed in the changes column. Select the number form this column to see the history of changes for this item.

Example Situations

Using the audit trail to see if an Invoice has been changed

  1. Set the Start Date and End Date to the Invoice Date then select Run Report.
  2. Select Transactions created or edited between.
  3. Deselect all options besides Include Invoices.
  4. Select Run Report.

If changes have been made you will see a number in the changes column; click the number to reveal the changes made and when.

Using the audit trail to see if an invoice has been deleted

  1. Set the Start Date to a date you know the Invoice was definitely present in the account and the End Date to today’s date.
  2. Select Transactions created or edited between.
  3. Deselect all options besides Include Invoices and Include deleted items.
  4. Select Run Report.

Look through the list of items for any rows highlighted in red, these will be items that have been deleted.