Record supplier / purchase payments

Whenever you make a payment to a supplier, you need to record it in IRIS Elements Cashbook.

  1. Go to Purchases > Purchase invoices. Select the appropriate purchase invoice from the list.

  2. Select Record payment +.

    Screenshot of payment recording for a purchase invoice in IRIS Kashflow

  3. The Date defaults to today's date but can be changed to the date the payment was made.

  4. The Amount defaults to the full outstanding amount. If you are making a part payment, change the amount.

  5. Select the Account used to make the payment together with the payment Method.

  6. Enter any Notes relating to the payment then select Save.

  7. The invoice is marked as PAID or PART PAID accordingly. The Paid stamp will be added if you create a PDF for print or email.

    Screenshot of the the purchase invoice PDF with the paid stamp included in IRIS Kashflow