Record supplier credit note

If you have received a credit note from a supplier (rather than a refund), you will need to create the credit on the system which you can then use to offset a future purchase with the same supplier.

Add the credit note

  1. Go to Purchases > Purchase invoices. Select the appropriate invoice from the list.

  2. From More actions select Copy. Select Purchase invoice from the list of copy options.

    Image highlighting the location of the 'Copy' option in the user interface

  3. A new copied version of the purchase invoice is shown. Enter a Description then add a minus at the beginning of the line Total. If this is a partial refund, amend the amount accordingly (ensuring that the value is preceded with a minus).

  4. Select Save. The newly created credit note is displayed.

Using a credit note

Any credit notes added in this way are automatically applied a Type of Credit Note and marked as Unpaid.

  1. Select an unpaid purchase invoice for this supplier.

  2. From the Payment section select More action > Apply credit.

screenshot highlighting the apply credit option

  1. Any available credit notes will be displayed, select which one you want to use. Multiple credit notes can be selected.

    screenshot of availabel credit notes

  2. Select Apply.

  3. You can repeat this process on subsequent receipts until the credit is used up.