How to submit iXBRL Accounts to Companies House for Limited Liability Partnerships


iXBRL is a format used by HMRC and Companies House to produce a document that can be read by the user, but also contains embedded tagged data that can be understood by computer systems.

This topic explains how to generate and electronically submit iXBRL accounts to Companies House.

Electronic filing of iXBRL accounts to Companies House for Limited Liability Partnerships is now available for:

In this topic:

STEP 1 – Identifying Account/Groups descriptions that have been amended from the IRIS default

STEP 2 – Tagging Text within the Data Screens

STEP 3 - Generating the iXBRL Accounts to be sent to Companies House

STEP 4 – Tagging Report Items within the Tag Editor

STEP 5 – Reviewing the Tagged iXBRL Report

STEP 6 – Finalising the iXBRL Report

STEP 7 – Creating a submission for Companies House

Process Summary



STEP 1 – Identifying Account/Groups descriptions that have been amended from the IRIS default

  1. From the Accounts Production menu, click Reports | Account/Group Descriptions

The following screen displays.

  1. Select the relevant options for each section and click OK.


This report enables users to see which account and group descriptions have been amended in order to change/apply the relevant tag. For example, if a posting has been made to the fixed asset motor vehicles account code but the description has been amended to read ‘Boats’, the tag from motor vehicles may need to be amended to a more suitable tag when sending the accounts to Companies House.

  1. Close the report once the items have been reviewed.


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STEP 2 – Tagging Text within the Data Screens

  1. Select Edit| Data Screens

  2. Select the relevant section of the report to tag from the Data Screen branches. For example, select Notes to Financial Statements | Other Disclosures | Ultimate Controlling Party

  3. Enter the identifier of the Director by clicking the magnifying glass or enter the name as freeform information in the Other field (this screen cannot be saved where both fields are entered).

  4. Complete the relevant fields.

The specific fields in Ultimate Controlling Party Data screens, for example, Name of Controlling party will be automatically tagged in the Tag Editor however, any additional or freeform texts entered within the Data screens must be manually tagged, if concept labels exist within the Minimum Tagging list.

  1. Highlight the text entered in the Additional or freeform text field.

  2. Click the iXBRL Tagging icon on the menu bar or right-click on the mouse and select iXBRL Tagging.


If no text has been highlighted when selecting the iXBRL Tagging option, the following displays:


The following screen displays.

  1. Click the magnifying glass next to Concept Label to display the Taxonomy.


The following screen displays.

  1. Browse the Taxonomy to find the appropriate Concept Label by clicking on the arrow icon next to the relevant headings to list available concept labels for selection. Alternatively, manually enter text in the search field, for example, related party, and click the Find icon or press Enter.

  1. Click Select (or double-click) to apply the appropriate Concept Label.

  2. Select the relevant Context Reference and click Save.

If the selected Concept label falls within a Grouping, a prompt will display. Continue by clicking either OK or Cancel.


  1. Close the iXBRL Tagging screen by clicking the red cross in the top-right of the screen. The data screen shows the text which has been tagged highlighted in a purple text box.

If other disclosures are required for tagging, select the appropriate data screen and complete.

  1. Click Save to save the changes to the data screens.

  2. Click Exit Screens.

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STEP 3 - Generating the iXBRL Accounts to be sent to Companies House

iXBRL accounts generated for electronic filing to Companies House MUST comply with minimum tagging requirements set out within the taxonomy. Therefore, once the accounts have been generated and displayed within the Tag Editor, they should be tagged accordingly, prior to submitting to Companies House.

All accounts must be reviewed with care to ensure they meet the requirements made on the directors by the Companies Act. If accounts cannot be filed electronically due to the restrictions imposed by Companies House then they must continue to be submitted by paper.

Prior to generating the iXBRL report, complete and finalise clients Annual Accounts - Posting | Posting Entry Status | Finalised Status | Reports finalised


Things to consider before iXBRL accounts are generated for Companies House:

  1. From the Accounts Production menu, select Reports | Annual | iXBRL

The following screen displays.

  1. Enter the 3 character mnemonic in the Report/Document field, for example, LLP or ABR

To display a list of reports available, click the magnifying glass next to the Report/Document field.

  1. Confirm that the correct posting entries have been selected by default or make your selection in the Current and Last field.
  2. When generating iXBRL accounts to be submitted electronically to Companies House, the Copy to be filed at Companies House Option MUST be selected (this is selected automatically for Abbreviated Accounts).

  1. Select Copy to be filed at Companies House if you want to produce accounts for submission to Companies House. Selecting this option will cause the Tag Editor to launch in Companies House mode. This mode includes the functionality to electronically file the iXBRL accounts with Companies House.
  2. For more help on a specific item/option on this screen, click the top right-hand side of the screen.

  1. Click OK to generate the accounts to the Tag Editor.

If exceptions exist within the report for specific details, the following dialog displays:


If warnings exist within the report for specific items, the following dialog displays:

  1. Click OK to continue.

The Tag Editor screen displays:


  1. The Exception Report tab displays exceptions within the report that need to be modified before the iXBRL report can be finalised.

See example below:




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STEP 4 – Tagging Report Items within the Tag Editor

Things to consider when tagging your iXBRL accounts:

  1. Within the Tag Editor screen, click the Report-LTD tab.

  2. From the toolbar, click on the Show Taggable Items icon.

  3. Click on the arrows to scroll to the next/previous page to review tagging .

Selecting Show/Hide Taggable Items will show items that are not pre-tagged by IRIS in BLUE or hides them if there are no longer required.

  1. Select the item to be tagged, the box will then be highlighted with a green outline.

  1. On the right within the Mapping Control section, click the magnifying glass next to the Concept Label field.

Apply default - this option reverts the tagged item back to the IRIS default; this option only applies to pre-tagged items of the report that have been amended.

Clear mapping – this option clears mapped tags that have been applied.

Show/Hide notes – this option shows or hides notes.

Next/Back - this option selects the next or previous item to be tagged.


When searching in the mapping control for the appropriate iXBRL Tag, you are now able to change the drop-down option ‘Search by’ to either ‘concept label’ OR ‘references’ to switch between the standard search facility or to search by Legislative references.


  1. From either the Taxonomy tab or the Suggested tab, double-click to select the relevant Concept Label.


Not available

  1. If required select the relevant option from the Context Reference drop-down list.

  2. Click Save.


The following dialogue may display:

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STEP 5 – Reviewing the Tagged iXBRL Report

The Tag Editor is a tool which allows users to apply tags to a set of iXBRL accounts produced and generated within the software. Once the appropriate tags are applied, a submission for Companies House can be created.

Companies House will only accept submission of electronic accounts prepared under FRS 102 / FRS 105.

The report will display the tagged items in GREEN. If any of the report items which have default tags require amendments, the items can be selected by left-mouse clicking on the highlighted box or by double-clicking into the box.

When items are selected, if links exist to other report items, the report item will be highlighted in a different colour, indicating the items are auto linked. The link is normally between the current and last year figures.

  1. Within the Tag Editor screen, click the Report-LTD tab.

The example client below shows where report items have been automatically tagged by IRIS.

  1. From the toolbar, click the Show Tag Report icon.


Selecting Show Tag Report will display the Tag Report as a new tab (window) within the main screen. The report generated provides detailed information regarding all of the tags that have been applied for the client within the Tag Editor screen. This report is useful for audit purposes and can be exported as a CSV by clicking the Export Tag Report icon.

The Tag Report tab is generated:


Other freeform entries (custom descriptions) within the Data screens such as Movement in Provisions and/or Factors affecting Tax charge for period must also be reviewed.

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STEP 6 – Finalising the iXBRL Report

Go to step 3 to generate the Tag Editor screen.

  1. Click the Validate icon.

Upon successful validation, the following message displays.

  1. Click OK.


The Validate icon displays as  .

  1. Click the iXBRL Finalise icon.

The following screen displays.

  1. Click Yes.

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STEP 7 – Creating a submission for Companies House

If you are producing iXBRL accounts for Companies House, follow Creating a submission for Companies House.


Creating a submission for Companies House

  1. Click the Create Submission icon.

The following screen displays.

  1. Select Submit NOW and click OK.
  2. For users who would like to submit the accounts at a later time, select Submit LATER. This option creates an iXBRL copy of the accounts for submission to Companies House at a later date. To submit the Electronic accounts, select Reports | Submit Electronic Accounts or Reports | iXBRL and CH E-File | Select Submit


IRIS displays a message ‘Transmitted successfully’. This DOES NOT confirm the accounts have been Accepted. To confirm the status of the submission, select Reports | iXBRL and CH E-File | Submission Status. Select Query Status to poll to Companies House.

This completes the creation of the submission to Companies House.


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Process Summary

The process summary is for easy reference, full details are shown above.

  1. Complete and ‘finalise’ clients Annual Accounts (Posting | Posting Entry Status | Finalised Status | Reports finalised) within Accounts Production.

  2. Generate iXBRL Accounts within the Tag Editor (Reports | Annual | iXBRL), complete iXBRL tagging and check the content of the accounts making sure all exceptions and errors are cleared prior to submission.

  3. Click the iXBRL finalise icon, clear any Tag Errors reported after Validation.

  4. Select Create Submission | Submit Now to submit iXBRL Accounts to Companies House prior to deadline.

  5. Companies House receive the electronic Accounts via iXBRL service.

  6. IRIS displays a message ‘Transmitted successfully’. This DOES NOT confirm the accounts have been Accepted.

  7. A 'poll' for the status MUST be performed within IRIS by selecting Administration | Launch E-File Scanner. For more information see - Tracking and Monitoring.

  8. Companies House send response and reason code back to IRIS where appropriate.

  9. Confirm the ‘Status’ of Accounts within IRIS by selecting Posting | Posting Entry Status | Submission Status

  10. If Accounts are ‘Rejected’ and no reason code is provided, contact IRIS Support for assistance (or review the KnowledgeBase on our Website).

  11. If accounts have been ‘Rejected’ and need to be re-generated and re-submitted, make amendments and repeat steps as above.

  12. At regular intervals check the Status of ALL client’s accounts by selecting Reports | Status Audit Report

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