How to generate iXBRL report for Group/Consolidated Accounts


This topic explains how to generate an iXBRL report for Group/Consolidated Accounts in Accounts Production.

Preparing Group Accounts in iXBRL format is a similar procedure to Limited Companies.

Where a Parent Company is required to prepare both, individual and Group Accounts (Companies Act 2006, Section 399), it is required to file both of these as part of its online Company Tax Return. However, it is only required to file the Parent Accounts as an iXBRL document, with the relevant tags embedded.

Where the Group Accounts are a separate document these must be attached as a PDF file.

In Accounts Production, the Group Accounts and individual accounts will be part of a single consolidated report. There is currently no requirement by HMRC to tag Group/Consolidated Accounts therefore only information relating to Parent Company Accounts is tagged when producing the iXBRL report.


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Step 1 – Identifying Accounts/Groups descriptions that have been amended from the IRIS default

Step 2 – Tagging text within the data screens

Step 3 – Generating the iXBRL Accounts for submission to HMRC

Step 4 – Tagging report items within the Tag Editor

Step 5 – Reviewing the tagged iXBRL Report

Step 6 – Finalising the iXBRL Report

Step 7 – Creating a submission for HMRC




Step 1 – Identifying Accounts/Groups descriptions that have been amended from the IRIS default

Select the Parent Company from the Client Browser screen.

  1. From the Accounts Production menu, select Reports | Account/Group Descriptions

    The following screen displays.

  2. Select the relevant options for each section and click OK.

  1. Close the report once the items have been reviewed.

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Step 2 – Tagging text within the data screens

Select the Parent Company from the Client Browser screen.

  1. From the Accounts Production menu, select Edit | Data Screens

  2. Select the relevant section of the report to tag from the Data Screen branches. For example, select Notes to Financial Statements | Other Disclosures | Ultimate Controlling Party

  1. Highlight the text to be tagged.


  1. Click the iXBRL Tagging icon at the top of the menu bar or right-click on the mouse and select iXBRL tagging.

    If no text has been highlighted, selecting the iXBRL Tagging option, the following warning displays:

The following screen displays.

  1. Click the magnifying glass next to Concept Label to display the Taxonomy.


  1. The following screen displays.

  2. Browse the Taxonomy to find the appropriate Concept Label by clicking on the arrow next to the relevant headings to list available concept labels for selection. Alternatively, manually enter text in the search field, for example, controlling party, and press Enter.

  1. Select the relevant Context Reference and click Save.

  1. If the selected Concept Label requires a Tuple Group, the following screen displays.

  1. Click OK.


The following screen displays:

  1. Double–click on the hash icon next to the O under Group Member mappings to confirm the mapping.

  1. Click on the red cross to exit the iXBRL Tagging screen.


The following screen shows the text which has been tagged within the data screen, highlighted in a purple text box.

  1. Click Save to save changes to the data screens.

  2. Click Exit Screens.

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Step 3 – Generating the iXBRL Accounts for submission to HMRC

Select the Group Company from the Client Browser screen.

  1. From the Accounts Production toolbar, select Reports | iXBRL

    The following screen displays.
  1. Enter the 3 character mnemonic in the Report/Document field, for example, LTD. (To display a list of available, click in the magnifying glass next to the Report/Document field.)

  2. Confirm the correct posting entries have been selected by default or make your selection in the Current and Last field.

  3. Click OK to generate the accounts to the Tag Editor.

  1. Click OK to continue.


The following screen displays.


The Warning Report tab gives details of report items which have not been pre-tagged and may require manual tagging if there is an appropriate concept in the minimum tagging list. See example below:


The iXBRL Warning Report generated within the Tag Editor relates to the Parent Company only. If freeform notes have been entered within the data screens, user must manually tag items if an appropriate concept labels exist within the Minimum Tagging list.

The iXBRL Preview tab displays the full report in a readable format that will be sent to HMRC – See example below:


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Step 4 – Tagging report items within the Tag Editor

Things to consider when tagging your iXBRL accounts:

  1. Within the Tag Editor screen, click the Report – LTD tab.

  2. From the toolbar, click on the Show Taggable items icon.

  3. Click on the arrow to scroll to the next page to review tagging.

  4. Click Show Taggable Item will show item are pre – tagged by IRIS in BLUE, or hide them if there are no longer required.

  5. Select the item to be tagged; the box will then be highlighted with a green outlined.

  1. On the right within the Mapping Control section, click the magnifying glass next to Concept Label field.

The following screen displays.

The Mapping Control toolbar also consists of the following icons:

Apply default - this option reverts the tagged item back to the IRIS default; this option only applies to pre-tagged items of the report that have been amended.

Clear mapping – this option clears mapped tags that have been applied.

Show/Hide notes  – this option shows or hides notes.

Next/Back - This option allows users to select the next or previous item to be tagged.

  1. Double–click on the relevant Concept Label.

  2. When selecting a concept label within the Taxonomy,  be aware that if the tag icon (on the left-hand side of the chosen concept label) is shaded in grey, then it is available to be selected. However if the icon is shaded in yellow, the concept label is already used in the report; therefore an alternative concept label must be selected.


Not available

  1. If required select the relevant option from the Concept Reference drop-down list.

  2. Click Save.

  1. Click Save.

The following dialog displays.


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Step 5 – Reviewing the tagged iXBRL Report

The following items are NOT automatically tagged as HMRC does not require group accounts to be tagged:

Below is an example of a Consolidated Profit and Loss:


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Step 6 – Finalising the iXBRL Report

  1. Follow step 3 to generate the Tag Editor screen.

  2. Click the Validate icon from the toolbar.

  3. Selecting Validate will perform validation on the tags applied to the report and a report will be generated which shows the Tag Errors that need to be reviewed prior to finalising the iXBRL report.

    The Tag Errors tab contains a grid view of all the report items where problems have been found. Each record provides details on the Concept, Value and Attributes selected against the report item when mapped within the Mapping Control.

    Selecting an item in the grid displays more detail in the bottom half of the window which gives an indication as to the action required to clear the error. Once selected, the Mapping Control also displays the details for that report item. The mapping can be updated /cleared here if required. Double-clicking or selecting View Report Item will jump to the report item within the Report tab, where the details can also be corrected as applicable.

Upon successful validation, the following message display.

  1. Click OK.


The Validate icon displays:

  1. Click iXBRL Finalise.

The following screen displays.

  1. Click Yes.


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Step 7 – Creating a submission for HMRC

  1. Click Create HMRC Copy.

    Save file in IRIS – This allows the iXBRL account file to be automatically attached when generating the Electronic CT600 in IRIS Business Tax.
    Save externally – This allows the iXBRL accounts file to be saved in a specific folder.

  2. Click OK.



Click here for a glossary of terms relevant to iXBRL.


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