iXBRL Detailed Taxonomy - The Minimum List


The minimum list is a compulsory set of tags within the taxonomy specified by HMRC. This now includes all tags within the detailed profit and loss account section of the taxonomy.


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Entity Information

Business Report Information

Directors’ Report

Auditors’ Report

Profit and Loss Account

Balance Sheet

Cash Flow Statement

Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses

Note of Historical Cost Profit and Losses

Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholder Funds

Notes and Detailed Disclosures

Detailed Profit & Loss (DPL)



Entity Information

Entity names [heading]

Entity current legal or registered name

Entity trading name

Entity former legal or registered name [grouping]

Entity former legal or registered name

Date when ceased to be legal or registered name

Entity identifying codes [heading]

UK Companies House registered number

UK VAT registration number

Entity activities [heading]

Description of principal activities

Entity activity code [grouping]

Description of activity code system

Code for activity

Description of other activities

Use countries dimension to identify countries or regions where activity applies, if required [explanation]

Legal form of entity [heading]

Legal form of entity

Country of formation or incorporation

Use countries dimension to identify country [explanation]

Date of formation or incorporation

Entity shares [heading]

Description of share type

Entity public listing information [heading]

Use exchanges dimension to identify stock exchanges [explanation]

Principal stock exchange

Secondary stock exchange

Main trading symbol on exchange

Entity listing [grouping]

Description of specific security of entity

Symbol of specific security of entity

Official operational status of entity [heading]

Entity is dormant

Entity is trading

Entity is in administration

Entity is in receivership

Entity is in liquidation

Entity is in compulsory liquidation

Entity is in voluntary liquidation

Entity is in insolvent liquidation

Entity is under Company Voluntary Arrangement

Use countries dimension to identify countries or regions where operational status applies [explanation]

Entity officers [heading]

Name of entity officer

Entity contacts and website information [heading]

Means of contact [heading]

Address [heading]

Address line 1

Address line 2

Address line 3

Principal location - city or town

County / Region

Postal Code / Zip

E-mail address

Phone number [heading]

Country code

Area code

Local number

Extension number

Use countries and languages dimensions to identify location and language of contact [explanation]

Contact person [heading]

Name of main contact person

Job title / position of main contact person

Other information on contact persons

Website information [heading]

Website main page URL

Description or other information on website

Use countries and languages dimensions to identify location and language of website [explanation]

Description or other information on entity contact

Third party agents [heading]

Name of third party agent

Description or other information on third party agent

Means of contact [heading]

Address [heading]

Address line 1

Address line 2

Address line 3

Principal location - city or town

County / Region

Postal Code / Zip

E-mail address

Phone number [heading]

Country code

Area code

Local number

Extension number

Use countries and languages dimensions to identify location and language of contact [explanation]

Contact person [heading]

Name of main contact person

Job title / position of main contact person

Other information on contact persons

Website information [heading]

Website main page URL

Description or other information on website

Use countries and languages dimensions to identify location and language of website [explanation]

Business Report Information

Entity accounts type

Business report name

Description of business report

Business report dates and periods covered [heading]

Balance sheet date

Description of period covered by report

Start date for period covered by report

End date for period covered by report

Business report publication date

Principal currency used in business report

Use currencies dimension to identify currency [explanation]

Other currency used in business report

Use currencies dimension to identify currency [explanation]

Business report copyright statement

Business report principal language

Use languages dimension to identify language [explanation]

Business report publisher name, if different from entity

For business report contact information, see 'Entity Contacts' section [crossreference]

Directors’ Report


Description of principal activities

List of directors [heading]

Name of entity officer

Purchase of own shares [heading]

Description of share type

Net consideration paid for own shares

Number of own shares purchased

Directors' remuneration [heading]

Use directors dimension members to identify totals for directors and individual directors [explanation]

Director remuneration and benefits including payments to third parties

Payments to third parties for director services

Director remuneration and benefits excluding payments to third parties

Director remuneration

Salaries and fees, directors

Salaries, directors

Fees, directors

Bonuses, directors

Benefits in kind, directors

Expense allowances, directors

Gain (loss) on exercise of share options, directors

Benefits under long-term incentive schemes, directors

Company contributions to money purchase schemes, directors

Company contributions to defined benefit schemes, directors

Excess of retirement benefits over original entitlement, directors

Compensation for loss of office, directors

Pension benefits, directors [heading]

Accrued pension entitlement under defined benefit scheme, directors

Accrued lump sum pension entitlement under defined benefit scheme, directors

Options, directors [heading]

Gain (loss) on exercise of share options, directors

Total net value of options at end of period, directors

Directors' advances, credit and guarantees [heading]

Use directors dimension members to identify totals for directors and individual directors [explanation]

Advances and credits, directors, start of period

Advances and credits made in period, directors

Advances and credits repaid in period, directors

Advances and credits, directors, end of period

Specific advance or credit, directors [grouping]

Description of specific advance or credit and its conditions, directors

Amount of specific advance or credit, directors, start of period

Amount of specific advance or credit made in period, directors

Amount of specific advance or credit repaid in period, directors

Amount of specific advance or credit, directors, end of period

Maximum liability under guarantees, directors

Amount paid and liability incurred in fulfilling guarantees, directors

Specific guarantee, directors [grouping]

Description of specific guarantee and its terms, directors

Maximum liability under specific guarantee, directors

Amount paid and liability incurred in fulfilling specific guarantee, directors

Statements in Directors' Report

Entity is dormant

Entity is trading

Directors acknowledge their responsibilities under the Companies Act

Accounts are in accordance with special provisions of Companies Act relating to small


Accounts are in accordance with special provisions in section 445(3) of the Companies Act

relating to medium-sized companies

Statement on quality and completeness of information provided to auditors

Company has acted as an agent during the period

For other statements related to small companies, see 'Directors' or Entity's Declarations' in Notes of GAAP taxonomy [cross-reference]

Director signing report

Date of signing of Directors' Report

Auditors’ Report

Auditor information [heading]

Name of third party agent

Name of individual auditor or accountant

Name of senior statutory auditor

Auditor's report [heading]

Opinion of auditors on entity

Emphasis of matter statement

Statement on reasons for any qualification of opinion

Date of auditor's report

iXBRL Detailed Taxonomy - The Minimum List

Fees to auditors [heading]

Total fees to auditors

Audit fees and expenses

Fees for non-audit services

Taxation services fees

Taxation services, entity and subsidiaries, fees

Corporate finance transactions, fees

Corporate finance transactions, entity and subsidiaries, fees

Profit and Loss Account

Profit and Loss Format 1 [heading]

Turnover / gross operating revenue

Cost of sales

Gross profit (loss)

Distribution costs

Administrative expenses

Other operating income

Profit and Loss Format 2 [heading]

Turnover / gross operating revenue

Increase (decrease) in stocks of finished goods and work in progress

Own work capitalised

Other operating income

Raw materials and consumables

Other external charges

Staff costs

Wages and salaries

Social security costs

Pension costs

Depreciation and other amounts written off tangible and intangible fixed assets

Exceptional amounts written off current assets

Other operating charges, Format 2

Operating profit, utilisation of prior year provisions related to discontinued operations

Operating profit (loss)

Exceptional items after operating profit [heading]

Gain (loss) on sale or termination of operations

Utilisation of earlier provisions for sale or termination of operations

Provision for loss on sale or termination of operation

Provision for operating loss on discontinued operations

Costs (gains) from fundamental restructuring or reorganisation

Gain (loss) from disposal of fixed assets

Gain (loss) from disposal of tangible fixed assets

Gain (loss) from disposal of intangible fixed assets

Other exceptional gain (loss) reported after operating profit (loss)

For other exceptional items after operating profit, see 'Exceptional Items' note [crossreference]

Exceptional items after operating profit free-text comment

Profit (loss) on ordinary activities before finance charges and interest

Finance income and payments [heading]

Finance charges (income)

Net interest payable (receivable)

Interest payable and similar charges

Other interest receivable and similar income

Other finance charges

Other finance income

Investment income - Net

Amounts written off (back) investments

Income from other fixed asset investments

Income from shares in associates

Income from other participating interests

Income from shares in subsidiaries / group undertakings

For further breakdowns of investment income and charges, see 'Finance and Investment' note [cross-reference]

Profit (loss) on ordinary activities before tax

Tax on profit or loss on ordinary activities

Profit (loss) on ordinary activities after tax

Minority interests

Extraordinary profit (loss) after taxation

Other taxes not already shown

Profit (loss) for the period

Earnings per share [heading]

Basic earnings (loss) per share

Diluted earnings (loss) per share

Dimension members which may be used with some income data items [heading]

Balance Sheet

Approval of accounts [heading]

Date of approval of accounts

Name of director signing accounts

Balance Sheet Format 1 [heading]

Called up share capital not paid, not expressed as current asset

Fixed assets

Intangible fixed assets

Tangible fixed assets

Investments, fixed assets

Fixed asset investments in joint-ventures, associates and subsidiaries [heading]

Use 'Total assets' item with appropriate dimension member to identify required share of assets item [explanation]

Use 'Investments, fixed assets' item with appropriate dimension member to identify required net investment item [explanation]

Goodwill created on acquisition of joint-ventures

Goodwill created on acquisition of associates

Fixed asset breakdowns represented by dimension members [heading]

All fixed asset investment holdings [default]

Group undertakings and other participating interests

Group before associates and joint-ventures

Share of joint-ventures and associates

Investments in joint-ventures

Investments in associates

Investment in subsidiaries

Investment in other participating interests

Total other investments

All types of fixed asset investment [default]

Shares, fixed asset investments

Shares, listed, fixed asset investments

Shares, unlisted, fixed asset investments

Loans held as fixed asset investments

Fixed asset investments other than shares, including loans

Fixed asset investments other than shares, not including loans

Fixed asset investments other than loans

Use intangible assets dimension to identify positive, negative and net goodwill [explanation]

All intangible fixed assets [default]

Net goodwill

Positive goodwill

Negative goodwill

Intangible assets other than goodwill

Development costs, patents and similar

Development costs

Patents, concessions, licences, trade marks and similar

Concessions, licences, franchises

Patents, copyrights, trademarks and similar

Intellectual property

Other exploitation rights

Mastheads and publishing titles

Brand names

Customer relationships

Payments on account, intangible fixed assets

Other intangible fixed assets

Net current assets (liabilities)

Current assets

Stocks / inventory


Debtors due within one year

Debtors due after one year

Current asset investments

Cash at bank and in hand

Prepayments and accrued income, not expressed within current asset subtotal

Creditors due within one year

Total assets less current liabilities

Creditors due after one year

Provisions for liabilities and charges

Accruals and deferred income

Net assets (liability) excluding pension asset (liability)

Pension asset (liability)

Pension asset in respect of schemes in surplus

Pension liability in respect of schemes in deficit

Net assets (liabilities), including pension asset (liability)

Capital employed

Capital and reserves

Called up share capital

Share premium account

Revaluation reserve

Acquisition and merger reserve

Profit and loss account reserve

Other aggregate reserves

Capital redemption reserve

Reserve for own shares

Equity reserve

Hedging reserve

Fair value / available-for-sale reserve

Foreign exchange translation reserve

Reserves required by articles of association

Other reserves

Shareholder funds

Minority interest, balance sheet

Balance Sheet Format 2 [heading]

Total assets

Called up share capital not paid, not expressed as current asset

Fixed assets

Intangible fixed assets

Tangible fixed assets

Investments, fixed assets

Fixed asset investments in joint-ventures, associates and subsidiaries [heading]

Use 'Total assets' item with appropriate dimension member to identify required share of assets item [explanation]

Use 'Investments, fixed assets' item with appropriate dimension member to identify required net investment item [explanation]

Goodwill created on acquisition of joint-ventures

Goodwill created on acquisition of associates

Fixed asset breakdowns represented by dimension members [heading]

All fixed asset investment holdings [default]

Group undertakings and other participating interests

Group before associates and joint-ventures

Share of joint-ventures and associates

Investments in joint-ventures

Investments in associates

Investment in subsidiaries

Investment in other participating interests

Total other investments

All types of fixed asset investment [default]

Shares, fixed asset investments

Shares, listed, fixed asset investments

Shares, unlisted, fixed asset investments

Loans held as fixed asset investments

Fixed asset investments other than shares, including loans

Fixed asset investments other than shares, not including loans

Fixed asset investments other than loans

Use intangible assets dimension to identify positive, negative and net goodwill [explanation]

All intangible fixed assets [default]

Net goodwill

Positive goodwill

Negative goodwill

Intangible assets other than goodwill

Development costs, patents and similar

Development costs

Patents, concessions, licences, trade marks and similar

Concessions, licences, franchises

Patents, copyrights, trademarks and similar

Intellectual property

Other exploitation rights

Mastheads and publishing titles

Brand names

Customer relationships

Payments on account, intangible fixed assets

Other intangible fixed assets

Current assets

Stocks / inventory


Debtors due within one year

Debtors due after one year

Current asset investments

Cash at bank and in hand

Prepayments and accrued income, not expressed within current asset subtotal

Pension asset (liability)

Pension asset in respect of schemes in surplus

Pension liability in respect of schemes in deficit

Total liabilities

Capital employed

Capital and reserves

Called up share capital

Share premium account

Revaluation reserve

Acquisition and merger reserve

Profit and loss account reserve

Other aggregate reserves

Capital redemption reserve

Reserve for own shares

Equity reserve

Hedging reserve

Fair value / available-for-sale reserve

Foreign exchange translation reserve

Reserves required by articles of association

Other reserves

Shareholder funds

Minority interest, balance sheet

Provisions for liabilities and charges

Total creditors

Creditors due within one year

Creditors due after one year

Accruals and deferred income

Pension asset (liability)

Pension asset in respect of schemes in surplus

Pension liability in respect of schemes in deficit

Dimension members which may be used with some balance sheet items [heading]

For derivative and other financial instruments, see 'Financial Instruments' note [crossreference]

Cash Flow Statement

Taxation expense (credit)

Increase (decrease) in net cash for the period

Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt [heading]

Net debt (funds), start of period

Increase (decrease) in net cash for the period

Decrease (increase) in net debt during period

New finance leases

Redemption premium on equity instruments

Decrease (increase) in net debt from changes recognised in market value

Funds (debts) arising from acquisitions and disposals

Funds (debts) acquired with subsidiaries

(Funds) debts disposed of with subsidiaries

Decrease (increase) in net debt resulting from cash flows

Cash flow (outflow) from management of liquid resources

Cash flow (outflow) from change in debt and lease financing

Decrease (increase) in net debt from exchange adjustments

Other non-cash movements serving to decrease (increase) net debt

Net debt (funds), end of period

Company is exempt from preparing a cash flow statement under FRS 1

Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses

Profit (loss) for the period

Recognised gains and (losses) during the period [heading]

Revaluation surplus in period

Revaluation surplus in period, investment properties

Revaluation surplus in period, other items

Impairment (loss) not charged to profit

Unrealised gain (loss) on trade investments (not under FRS 26)

Actuarial gain (loss) recognised in pension schemes

Gain (loss) arising from impact of limit imposed by FRS 17.41 limit on pension schemes

Deferred tax arising on gains (losses) in pension schemes

Foreign tax (relief) arising on gains and losses recognised in this statement

Deferred tax arising on other gains and losses recognised in this statement

Gain (loss) recognised from foreign exchange differences, excluding gains on financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss

Gain (loss) recognised from foreign exchange adjustments on intangible fixed assets

Gain (loss) recognised from foreign exchange adjustments on tangible fixed assets

Gain (loss) recognised from foreign exchange adjustments on interests in joint ventures and associates

Gain (loss) recognised from foreign exchange adjustments on provisions

Gain (loss) recognised from foreign exchange adjustments on overseas subsidiaries

Gain (loss) recognised from other foreign exchange differences

Gain (loss) from tax on exchange adjustments

Unrealised gain (loss) on acquisition or disposal of fixed asset investments

Unrealised gain (loss) on disposals

Unrealised gain (loss) on acquisitions

Unrealised gain (loss) on transfer of assets to joint-venture

Net proceeds of warrant issues which have lapsed unexercised

Gain (loss) from movement in hedging reserve

Gain (loss) from movement in available for sale reserve

Finance costs relating to capital

UK corporation tax (relief) arising on gains and losses recognised in this statement

Remaining recognised gains (losses) for the period

SEE other statements and notes including 'Financial Instruments Under FRS 29' for items which may also be included in recognised gains and losses [cross-reference]

Total recognised gain (loss) for the period

Statement where there were no gains and losses in the period other than those in the profit and loss account.

Note of Historical Cost Profit and Losses

Historical cost profit (loss) on ordinary activities before taxation

Historical cost depreciation charge less the actual depreciation charge calculated on the revalued amount

Realisation of property valuation gains of prior periods

Profit (loss) on ordinary activities before tax

Historical cost profit (loss) for the period

Statement that there was no material difference between results in profit and loss accounts and those on a historical cost basis

Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholder Funds

Shareholder funds, start of period

Net increase (decrease) in shareholders' funds

Return of surplus capital to shareholders

Charges for share-related awards

Increase (decrease) related to employee share schemes

Shareholder funds, end of period

Dimension members which may be used with some items in reconciliation statement [heading]

Notes and Detailed Disclosures

General dimension members which may be used with all data [heading]

Detailed Profit & Loss (DPL)

Accounting policies [heading]

Statement on basis of measurement and preparation of accounts

Description of any changes to previous period comparatives

Accounting policy changes [grouping]

Description of change in accounting policy and its impact

Estimation technique changes [grouping]

Description of change to estimation technique

SORPs [grouping]

Name of SORP

Statement on whether accounts are in accordance with SORP, any deviations from the

SORP and their impact

Statement on whether compliance with the SORP is voluntary

True and fair overrides [grouping]

Description of accounting standard concerned

Description of the nature and reasons for the departure from the standard and its effect

Specific accounting policies [heading]

Turnover policy

Tangible fixed assets policy

Description of depreciation method and rate or useful economic life for tangible fixed assets

Description of effect of change in estimates of residual values of tangible fixed assets

Description of effect and reasons for any change in methods of depreciation of tangible

fixed assets

Classes of tangible fixed assets represented by dimension members [heading]

Intangible assets policy

Description of goodwill and intangible asset amortisation method and periods

Description of effect and reasons for any change in methods of amortisation of intangible

fixed assets

Classes of intangible fixed assets represented by dimension members [heading]

Valuation information and policy

Presentation and functional currency policy

Explanation why functional currency is different from presentation currency

Description of changes in functional currency

Financial instruments policy

Convertible loan notes policy

Equity instruments policy

Derivative financial instruments policy

Policy on use of allowance account for impaired financial assets

Description of criteria for determining net gains or losses on financial instruments

Description of criteria for determining that an impairment loss has occurred

Capital instruments policy

Description of differences in accounting rules between an entity's individual accounts and group accounts

Directors' or entity's declarations [heading]

Directors acknowledge their responsibilities under the Companies Act

Company entitled to exemption under Section 477 Companies Act 2006

Company entitled to exemption under Section 480 Companies Act 2006 relating to dormant companies

Company has acted as an agent during the period

Company is exempt from preparing a cash flow statement under FRS 1

Members have not required the company to obtain an audit

Accounts are in accordance with special provisions of Companies Act relating to small companies

Accounts are in accordance with the special provisions in section 445(3) of the Companies

Act relating to medium-sized companies

Accounts prepared under historical cost convention and in accordance with FRSSE

Notes on Profit and Loss Account [heading]

Dimension members which may be used with some income data items [heading]

Segmental analysis of revenue, costs, and profits [heading]

Statement that disclosure by business segment or geography would be seriously prejudicial

Revenue and profits from joint-ventures and associates [heading]

Profit (loss) for the period

Profit (loss) on ordinary activities after tax

Tax on profit or loss on ordinary activities

Profit (loss) on ordinary activities before tax

Finance charges (income)

Net interest payable (receivable)

Interest payable and similar charges

Other interest receivable and similar income

Other finance charges

Other finance income

Gain (loss) on sale or termination of operations

Costs (gains) from fundamental restructuring or reorganisation

Gain (loss) from disposal of fixed assets

Gain (loss) from disposal of tangible fixed assets

Gain (loss) from disposal of intangible fixed assets

Operating profit (loss)

Turnover / gross operating revenue

Analysis by business segment / activity [heading]

Turnover / gross operating revenue

Cost by business segment [heading]

Total entity costs

Business segment costs

Profit (loss) by business segment [heading]

Central profit (loss) on ordinary activities not attributed to a business segment

Profit (loss) on ordinary activities before tax

Finance charges (income)

Net interest payable (receivable)

Interest payable and similar charges

Other interest receivable and similar income

Other finance charges

Other finance income

Net income from fixed asset investments, subtotal

Profit (loss) on ordinary activities before finance charges and interest

Exceptional gain (loss) reported after operating profit (loss), subtotal

Gain (loss) on sale or termination of operations

Costs (gains) from fundamental restructuring or reorganisation

Gain (loss) from disposal of fixed assets

Gain (loss) from disposal of tangible fixed assets

Gain (loss) from disposal of intangible fixed assets

Operating profit (loss)

Exceptional gain (loss) reported before operating profit (loss), subtotal

Analysis by geography [heading]

Profit (loss) by geographic segment [heading]

Central profit (loss) on ordinary activities not attributed to a geographic segment

Profit (loss) on ordinary activities before tax

Finance charges (income)

Net interest payable (receivable)

Interest payable and similar charges

Other interest receivable and similar income

Other finance charges

Other finance income

Net income from fixed asset investments, subtotal

Profit (loss) on ordinary activities before finance charges and interest

Exceptional gain (loss) reported after operating profit (loss), subtotal

Gain (loss) on sale or termination of operations

Costs (gains) from fundamental restructuring or reorganisation

Gain (loss) from disposal of fixed assets

Gain (loss) from disposal of tangible fixed assets

Gain (loss) from disposal of intangible fixed assets

Operating profit (loss)

Exceptional gain (loss) reported before operating profit (loss), subtotal

Revenue of acquisitions and disposals [heading]

Acquisition revenue

Breakdowns by segment are for total acquisitions and disposals only [explanation]

Revenue and profit of individual acquisitions [heading]

Dimension members for identifying and reporting on individual acquisition revenue and profit [heading]

Acquisition revenue

Acquisition operating profit

For segmental analysis of assets and liabilities, see 'Notes to Balance Sheet' [cross reference]

Continuing and discontinued operations [heading]

Continuing and discontinued operations represented by dimension members

Operating costs and credits [heading]

General operating costs [heading]

Bad debts written off

Reorganising, restructuring and integrating of acquisitions

Use acquisitions dimension members to identify individual acquisitions [explanation]

Research and development costs

Staff costs

Wages and salaries

Social security costs

Pension costs

Pensions costs, defined benefit schemes

Pensions costs, defined contribution schemes

Employee share scheme costs

Contributions to remuneration trust

Operating credits [heading]

Royalty, licence and similar receivables

Net items, may be a credit or a cost [heading]

Foreign exchange gain (loss) recognised in profit and loss

Foreign exchange gain (loss) on borrowings less deposits

Foreign currency translation gain (loss) recognised in profit and loss

Currency hedging activities gain (loss) recognised in profit and loss

Increase (decrease) in stocks of finished goods and work in progress

Operating costs related to fixed assets [heading]

Depreciation and other amounts written off tangible and intangible fixed assets

Amortisation and impairment (reversal) of intangible fixed assets

Amortisation of intangible assets, expense

Impairment loss (reversal) intangible fixed assets

Depreciation and impairment (reversal) of tangible fixed assets

Depreciation of tangible fixed assets, expense

Impairment loss (reversal) of tangible fixed assets

Use dimensions to distinguish individual classes of tangible and intangible assets, including goodwill, and owned and leased tangible assets [explanation]

Fees to auditors [heading]

Total fees to auditors

Audit fees and expenses

Fees for non-audit services

Taxation services fees

Taxation services, entity and subsidiaries, fees

Corporate finance transactions, fees

Corporate finance transactions, entity and subsidiaries, fees

Employee information [heading]

Staff costs

Wages and salaries

Social security costs

Pension costs

Pensions costs, defined benefit schemes

Pensions costs, defined contribution schemes

Employee share scheme costs

Contributions to remuneration trust

Finance and investment [heading]

For further analysis of net finance charges, use appropriate dimensions [explanation]

Investment gains and losses, net items [heading]

Exchange gain (loss) on foreign currency borrowings and deposits

Gain (loss) on sales of current asset investments

Gain (loss) on sales of fixed asset investments

Gain (loss) on sale of investments

Gain (loss) on repurchase or early settlement of debt

Receivable (payable) for interest rate swaps

Gain (loss) on financial instruments

Financial instruments net gains (losses), before tax

Gains (losses) on financial assets at fair value through profit or loss

Gains (losses) on financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, designated as upon initial recognition

Gains (losses) on financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, classified as held for trading

Gain (loss) on derivatives at fair value, recognised in profit or loss

Gain (loss) on derivatives initially designated at fair value, recognised in profit or loss

Gain (loss) on derivatives held for trading, recognised in profit or loss

Gains (losses) on financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss

Gains (losses) on financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss, designated as upon initial recognition

Gains (losses) on financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss, classified as held for trading

Gains (losses) on loans and receivables

Gain (loss) on available-for-sale financial assets reclassified to profit or loss from equity

Gain (loss) on impairment of available-for-sale financial assets reclassified to profit or loss

from equity, before tax

Gain (loss) on disposal of available-for-sale financial assets reclassified to profit or loss from

equity, before tax

Gains (losses) on held-to-maturity investments

Gains (losses) on financial liabilities at amortised cost

Gains (losses) on other non-operating activities

Impairment loss (reversal), financial assets, income statement analysis

Impairment loss (reversal), loans and receivables, income statement

Impairment loss (reversal), available-for-sale investments

Impairment loss (reversal), available-for-sale equity investments

Impairment loss (reversal), available-for-sale investment debt securities

Impairment loss (reversal), held-to-maturity investments

Impairment loss, financial assets, income statement analysis

Impairment loss, loans and receivables, statement of recognised gains and losses

Impairment loss, available-for-sale investments

Impairment loss, available-for-sale equity investments

Impairment loss, available-for-sale investment debt securities

Impairment loss, held-to-maturity investments

Allowances for credit losses, financial assets [grouping]

Description of specific class of financial asset

Amount recorded in impairment allowance account for specific type of financial asset

Reconciliation of changes in impairment allowance account [grouping]

Description of reconciling item in impairment account

Amount of reconciling item in impairment account

Impairment reversal, financial assets, income statement analysis

Impairment reversal, loans and receivables

Impairment reversal, held-to-maturity investments

Impairment reversal, available-for-sale investments

Gain (loss) on hedge accounting

Gain (loss) on hedging instruments designated as fair value hedges

Gain (loss) on fair value hedged items attributable to hedged risk

Gains (losses) on ineffectiveness of cash flow hedges recognised in profit or loss

Gains (losses) on ineffectiveness of hedges of net investments in foreign operations

See 'Financial Instruments' section for further items on hedging [cross-reference]

Amounts written off (back) investments

Impairment loss (reversal), fixed asset investments

Impairment loss, fixed asset investments

Impairment reversal, fixed asset investments

Amounts written off current asset investments

Investment income [heading]

Investment income – Net

Interest receivable and similar income [heading]

Interest receivable on short-term investments, loans and deposits

Listed investments interest

Unlisted investments interest

Interest receivable on financial assets that are not at fair value through profit or loss

Interest receivable on impaired financial assets accrued in accordance with FRS 26

Fee income from financial assets that are not at fair value through profit or loss

Fee income from trust and other fiduciary activities resulting in holding of assets

Other interest receivable

Interest payable and similar charges [heading]

Finance charges (income)

Net interest payable (receivable)

Interest payable and similar charges

Other interest receivable and similar income

Other finance charges

Other finance income

Loans from joint-ventures, associates and group undertakings, finance charges

Preference shares classified as debt, finance charges

Interest on non-redeemable preference shares classified as debt

Interest on redeemable preference shares classified as debt

Other payable in respect of redeemable preference shares

Dividends for redeemable preference sharesPage 32 of 63

iXBRL Detailed Taxonomy - The Minimum List

Redemption premium for redeemable preference shares

Short-term borrowing charges, including bank interest

Short-term borrowing charges, excluding bank interest

Interest payable on other financial liabilities that are not at fair value through profit or loss

Interest on convertible borrowings

Interest on deferred consideration

Interest expense on other financing liabilities

Other borrowings, interest payments and similar charges

Tax on profit on ordinary activities [heading]

Total UK and foreign current tax, after adjustments and relief

UK current corporation tax

UK current corporation tax on income for the period

Increase (decrease) in UK corporation tax arising from adjustment for prior periods

Foreign current tax

Total UK and foreign deferred tax

UK deferred tax

Foreign deferred tax

Reconciliation against tax calculated by applying standard rate of UK corporation tax to the

pre-tax profit [heading]

Tax on group profit on ordinary activities at standard UK tax rate

Standard (nominal) tax rate

Effective tax rate

Effective current tax rate

Basis on which standard tax rate has been determined

Amount by which tax on profit on ordinary activities is lower (higher) than tax calculated at

standard UK rate

Timing differences [heading]

Capital allowances in excess of depreciation leading to a decrease (increase) in tax

Increase or decrease in pension fund prepayment leading to a decrease (increase) in tax

Short term timing differences leading to a decrease (increase) in taxation

Other timing differences leading to a decrease (increase) in taxation

Non-taxable income less expenses not deductible for tax purposes

Non-taxable income less expenses not deductible for tax purposes, other than goodwill

amortisation and impairment

Non-taxable income

Expenses not deductible for tax purposes

Non-tax deductible amortisation of goodwill and impairment

Expenses not deductible for tax purposes, other than goodwill amortisation and impairment

Adjustment for higher (lower) tax rates on overseas earnings

Adjustment for long accounting periods leading to an increase (decrease) in the tax charge

Adjustment for prior periods leading to an increase (decrease) in the tax charge

Adjustment in research and development tax credit leading to an increase (decrease) in the

tax charge

Book profit on non-taxable share issues

Book profit on chargeable assets

Capital gains

Changes in provisions leading to an increase (decrease) in the tax charge

Dividends from UK companies

Double taxation relief

Rollover relief on profit on disposal of fixed assets

Special factors affecting joint-ventures and associates leading to an increase (decrease) in

the tax charge

Tax deduction arising from exercise of employee options

Unrelieved tax losses carried forward

Unrelieved loss on disposal of operation

Unrelieved loss on foreign subsidiaries

Utilisation of tax losses

Other tax relief (charge) on exceptional items

Other differences leading to an increase (decrease) in the tax charge

Exceptional items - further analysis [heading]

Total exceptional gain (loss) for operating and non-operating items before tax

Extraordinary items [heading]

Tax on extraordinary profit (loss), including adjustments to tax on earlier extraordinary items

Extraordinary profit (loss) after taxation

Extraordinary items free-text comment

Dividends [heading]

Dimension members which (a) identify share type and (b) distinguish paid and proposed dividends [heading]

Total dividend payment

For directors' remuneration, see 'Directors' Remuneration' section in Directors' Report [cross reference]

Notes on Balance Sheet [heading]

Dimension members which may be used with some balance sheet items [heading]

Geographic segments [heading]

Country list [heading]

Not applicable [default]

Restated amount

Prior period increase (decrease)

Accounting policy increase (decrease)

Material error increase (decrease)

Original amount [default]

Acquisitions [heading]

Dimension members for identifying and reporting on acquisitions [heading]

Details of individual acquisition [heading]

Name of acquisition

Consideration, means of satisfaction, provisions and goodwill, acquisitions [heading]

Total consideration for acquisition

Goodwill, acquisition

Net assets (liabilities) of acquisition, before goodwill

Goodwill relating to acquisition [heading]

Cumulative goodwill for acquisition written off but not charged against profit

Revenue and profit of individual acquisitions [heading]

Dimension members for identifying and reporting on individual acquisition revenue and profit [heading]

Acquisition revenue

Acquisition operating profit

Disposals [heading]

Disposal of subsidiaries [heading]

Proceeds from disposal of subsidiaries

Fixed assets [heading]

Intangible fixed assets

Classes of intangible fixed assets represented by dimension members [heading]

Intangible fixed assets - movement analysis [heading]

At cost or valuation, intangible fixed assets - movement analysis [heading]

Intangible fixed assets, at cost or valuation, start of period

Intangible fixed assets, additions

Intangible fixed assets, disposals

Intangible fixed assets, acquisitions

Intangible fixed assets, disposed with subsidiaries

Intangible fixed assets, negative goodwill written back

Intangible fixed assets, increase (decrease) from transfers between items

Intangible fixed assets, increase (decrease) from revaluations

Intangible fixed assets, increase (decrease) from exchange adjustment

Intangible fixed assets, increase (decrease) from fair value adjustment

Intangible fixed assets, other increase (decrease)

Intangible fixed assets, at cost or valuation, end of period

Amortisation and impairment, intangible fixed assets - movement analysis [heading]

Intangible fixed assets, aggregate amortisation and impairment, start of period

Intangible fixed assets, amortisation charged in period

Intangible fixed assets, amortisation increase (decrease) from acquisitions

Intangible fixed assets, amortisation decrease (increase) on disposals

Intangible fixed assets, amortisation decrease (increase) from disposal of subsidiaries

Intangible fixed assets, impairment losses

Intangible fixed assets, reversal of past impairments

Intangible fixed assets, amortisation, negative goodwill written back

Intangible fixed assets, amortisation, increase (decrease) from transfers between items

Intangible fixed assets, amortisation, increase (decrease) from revaluations

Intangible fixed assets, amortisation, increase (decrease) from exchange adjustment

Intangible fixed assets, amortisation, other increase (decrease)

Intangible fixed assets, aggregate amortisation and impairment, end of period

Revaluation of intangible fixed assets [grouping]

Additional description of specific intangible fixed assets, if required

Intangible fixed assets at original cost or fair value

Provision for amortisation if assets had been valued at original cost or fair value

Year in which assets were valued

Development costs - further analysis [heading]

Deferred development expenditure increase (decrease)

Reasons for capitalising development costs and period over which they are being written off

Negative goodwill - further analysis [heading]

Periods in which negative goodwill is written back to profit

Amount of negative goodwill in excess of the fair value of non-monetary assets

Description of source of negative goodwill in excess of fair value of non-monetary assets

and explanation of timing of write-back

Tangible fixed assets

Classes of tangible fixed assets represented by dimension members [heading]

At cost or valuation, tangible fixed assets - movement analysis [heading]

Tangible fixed assets, at cost or valuation, start of period

Tangible fixed assets, additions

Tangible fixed assets, disposals

Tangible fixed assets, acquisitions

Tangible fixed assets, disposed with subsidiaries

Tangible fixed assets, increase (decrease) from transfers between items

Tangible fixed assets, increase (decrease) from revaluations

Tangible fixed assets, increase (decrease) from exchange adjustments

Tangible fixed assets, other increase (decrease)

Tangible fixed assets, at cost or valuation, end of period

Depreciation, tangible fixed assets - movement analysis [heading]

Tangible fixed assets, depreciation, start of period

Tangible fixed assets, depreciation, charged in period

Tangible fixed assets, depreciation, increase (decrease) from acquisitions

Tangible fixed assets, depreciation, decrease (increase) on disposals

Tangible fixed assets, depreciation, decrease (increase) from disposal of subsidiaries

Tangible fixed assets, impairment losses

Tangible fixed assets, reversal of past impairments

Tangible fixed assets, depreciation, increase (decrease) from transfers between items

Tangible fixed assets, depreciation, increase (decrease) from revaluations

Tangible fixed assets, depreciation, increase (decrease) from exchange adjustments

Tangible fixed assets, depreciation, other increase (decrease)

Tangible fixed assets, depreciation, end of period

Revaluation of tangible fixed assets [grouping]

Additional description of specific tangible fixed assets, if required

Valuation of tangible fixed assets

Basis of valuation, tangible fixed assets

Date of valuation, tangible fixed assets

Name and qualifications of valuer or valuer's organisation

Carrying amount of tangible fixed assets, at historical cost less depreciation

Aggregate depreciation on tangible fixed assets, on historical cost basis

Cost of tangible fixed assets, on historical cost basis

Valuer is external to entity

Explanatory statements if valuations have not been updated

Date of last full valuation if valuations have not been updated

Carrying amount of assets which could not be reliably valued

Capitalised finance costs included in tangible fixed assets

Leased assets included in figures, tangible fixed assets - movement analysis [heading]

Leased assets included in tangible fixed assets, start of period

Aggregate depreciation on leased assets included in tangible fixed assets

Leased assets included in tangible fixed assets, end of period

Revaluation of properties [grouping]

Description of specific properties valued as fully equipped operational entities, if required

Carrying amount of properties valued as fully equipped operational entities

Notional directly attributable acquisition costs (or deduction for expected selling costs) included in carrying amount

Statement on open market value of non-specialised properties carried on the basis of existing use value

Description of difference between aggregate tangible fixed asset value at cost and valuation

Investments, fixed assets

Fixed asset breakdowns represented by dimension members [heading]

Current assets [heading]

Stocks / inventory

Stocks of raw materials and consumables

Work in progress

Finished goods and goods for resale

Stocks, payments on account

Stocks [heading]

Work in progress in respect of long-term contracts

Long-term contracts: net cost less foreseeable losses

Long-term contracts: payments on account received and receivable, not matched with


Excess of replacement costs over balance sheet values

Excess of replacement costs, raw materials and consumables

Excess of replacement costs, work in progress

Excess of replacement costs, finished goods and goods for resale

Excess of replacement costs, payments on account

Consignment stock held

Consignment stock included in balance sheet

Consignment stock [grouping]

Description of particular consignment stock

Amount of particular consignment stock


Trade debtors

Amounts owed by group undertakings and other participating interests

Amounts owed by subsidiaries

Amounts owed by joint-ventures

Amounts owed by associates

Amounts owed by other participating interests

Amounts recoverable on contracts

Other debtors

Called up share capital not-paid, current asset

Prepayments and accrued income, current asset

Pension schemes prepayments

Amounts due on sale of subsidiary

Dividends due from subsidiaries

Corporation tax recoverable, current asset

Deferred tax, current asset

Description of reasons why deferred tax asset should be recognised

VAT, current asset

Factored debts outstanding

Lessors: net investment in finance leases

Lessors: net investment in hire purchase contracts

Lessors: cost of assets acquired for letting under finance leases

Lessors: aggregate rentals receivable for finance leases

Debtors due within one year

Amounts owed by group undertakings and other participating interests within one year

Amounts owed by subsidiaries within one year

Amounts owed by joint-ventures within one year

Amounts owed by associates within one year

Amounts owed by other participating interests within one year

Debtors due after one year

Amounts owed by group undertakings and other participating interests after one year

Amounts owed by subsidiaries after one year

Amounts owed by joint-ventures after one year

Amounts owed by associates after one year

Amounts owed by other participating interests after one year

Cash at bank and in hand

Cash in hand

Cash at bank

For disclosures on financial instruments, see 'Financial Instruments' note [crossreference]

Creditors and borrowings [heading]

Total creditors

For borrowings, loans, debt and preference shares, see 'Borrowings' note in this section [cross-reference]

Cumulative preference share dividends unpaid

Obligations under finance lease and hire purchase contracts

Payments received on account

Trade creditors

Bills of exchange

Amounts owed to group undertakings and other participating interests

Amounts owed to subsidiaries

Amounts owed to parent undertaking

Amounts owed to joint-ventures

Amounts owed to associates

Amounts owed to other participating interests

Amounts owed to related parties

Taxation and social security

Corporation tax

VAT due, total creditors

Foreign tax, total creditors

Other taxation and social security

Government grants

Accruals and deferred income

Deferred consideration for acquisitions

Unpaid contributions to pension schemes

Long-term borrowings, book value

Loans from directors

Other creditors

Other creditors including taxation and social security subtotal

Amounts owed to group undertakings and participating interests, subtotal

Creditors due after one year

For borrowings, loans, debt and preference shares, see 'Borrowings' note in this section [cross-reference]

Cumulative preference share dividends unpaid after one year

Obligations under finance lease and hire purchase contracts after one year

Payments received on account after one year

Trade creditors after one year

Bills of exchange after one year

Amounts owed to group undertakings and other participating interests after one year

Amounts owed to subsidiaries after one year

Amounts owed to parent undertaking after one year

Amounts owed to joint-ventures after one year

Amounts owed to associates after one year

Amounts owed to other participating interests after one year

Amounts owed to related parties after one year

Taxation and social security due after one year

Corporation tax due after one year

VAT due after one year

Foreign tax due after one year

Other taxation and social security due after one year

Government grants after one year

Accruals and deferred income after one year

Deferred consideration for acquisitions after one year

Long-term borrowings, book value

Loans from directors after one year

Other creditors after one year

Other creditors including taxation and social security after one year, subtotal

Amounts owed to group undertakings and participating interests after one year, subtotal

Creditors due within one year

For borrowings, loans, debt and preference shares, see 'Borrowings' note in this section [cross-reference]

Cumulative preference share dividends unpaid within one year

Obligations under finance lease and hire purchase contracts within one year

Payments received on account within one year

Trade creditors within one year

Bills of exchange within one year

Amounts owed to group undertakings and other participating interests within one year

Amounts owed to subsidiaries within one year

Amounts owed to parent undertaking within one year

Amounts owed to joint-ventures within one year

Amounts owed to associates within one year

Amounts owed to other participating interests within one year

Amounts owed to related parties within one year

Taxation and social security due within one year

Corporation tax due within one year

VAT due within one year

Foreign tax due within one year

Other taxation and social security within one year

Government grants within one year

Accruals and deferred income within one year

Unpaid contributions to pension schemes within one year

Dividends proposed, creditors due within one year

Dividends proposed, ordinary shares, creditors due within one year

Dividends proposed, cumulative preference shares, creditors due within one year

Loans from directors within one year

Other creditors due within one year

Other creditors including taxation and social security within one year, subtotal

Amounts owed to group undertakings and participating interests within one year, subtotal

Other creditors subtotals [heading]

Creditors, other than convertible debt

Creditors due after one year, other than convertible debt

Creditors due within one year, other than convertible debt

Secured debts

Borrowings [heading]

Dimension members which identify financial instrument values, level and maturities [heading]

Use currencies dimension to distinguish the currency which applies to a particular item [explanation]


Interest bearing borrowings

Non-interest bearing borrowings

Description of non-interest bearing borrowings

Bank borrowings and overdrafts

Bank borrowings

Bank overdrafts

Bank borrowings and overdrafts, secured

Bank borrowings, secured

Bank overdrafts, secured

Bank borrowings and overdrafts, unsecured

Bank borrowings, unsecured

Bank overdrafts, unsecured

Convertible debt

Debentures and other loans

Unsecured debentures and other loans, total liability

Secured debentures and other loans, total liability

Redeemable preference shares

Other borrowings

Borrowing maturities - further analysis [heading]

Obligations under finance leases and hire purchase contracts - Maturity Profile

Obligations under finance lease and hire purchase contracts within one year

Obligations under finance leases and hire purchase contracts between one to two years

Obligations under finance leases and hire purchase contracts between two to five years

Obligations under finance leases and hire purchase contracts after five years

Analysis of loans by instalments [heading]

Other loans after five years, by instalments

Other loans after five years, not by instalments

Specific loan due after five years [grouping]

Description of specific loan due after five years

Amount of loan due after five years

Creditors and borrowings - further analysis [heading]

Debenture loan / loans issued in the period [grouping]

Description of debenture loan / loans issued in the period

Amount received for debenture loan / loans issued in the period

Debenture loan / loans held by nominees or trustees of the entity [grouping]

Description of debenture loan / loans held by nominees or trustees of the entity

Book value of debenture loan / loans held by nominees or trustees of the entity

Details of convertible debt [grouping]

Description of convertible debt

Redemption date of convertible debt

Amount payable on redemption of convertible debt

Conversion at option of issuer rather than holder

Unusual debt [heading]

Subordinated debt details [grouping]

Description of subordinated debt

Subordinated debt book value

Conditional obligation to pay [grouping]

Description of obligation to pay

Obligation to pay book value

Limited recourse debt [grouping]

Description of limited recourse debt

Limited recourse debt book value

Other unusual debt [grouping]

Description of other unusual debt

Other unusual debt book value

For disclosures on financial instruments, see 'Financial Instruments' note [crossreference]

Trade and other payables [heading]

Dimension members which identify financial instrument values, level and maturities [heading]

Use currencies dimension to distinguish the currency which applies to a particular item [explanation]

Trade and other payables

Loans and receivables [heading]

Dimension members which identify financial instrument values, level and maturities [heading]

Use currencies dimension to distinguish the currency which applies to a particular item [explanation]

Loans and receivables, trade and other receivables

Collateral [heading]

Financial assets pledged as collateral subject to sale or repledging

Financial assets pledged as collateral, total carrying value

Collateral held which may be sold or repledged, total fair value

Collateral held which has been sold or repledged, total fair value

Assets obtained by taking possession of collateral, total carrying value

Financial instruments [heading]

Dimension members which identify financial instrument values, level and maturities [heading]

Use currencies dimension to distinguish the currency which applies to a particular item [explanation]

Derivative financial instruments and hedge accounting [heading]

Derivative financial instruments, asset

Derivatives assets, held for trading

Derivatives assets, designated hedges

Derivatives assets, designated as cash flow hedges

Currency futures, derivatives assets, designated as cash flow hedges

Swaps, derivatives assets, designated as cash flow hedges

Interest rate futures, derivatives assets, designated as cash flow hedges

Options, derivatives assets, designated as cash flow hedges

Forwards & Futures, derivatives assets, designated as cash flow hedges

Currency swaps, derivatives assets, designated as cash flow hedges

Interest rate swaps, derivatives assets, designated as cash flow hedges

Options on currency futures, derivatives assets, designated as cash flow hedges

Options on interest rate swaps (swaptions), derivatives assets, designated as cash flow hedges

Forward foreign exchange contracts, derivatives assets, designated as cash flow hedges

Currency futures/ forward foreign exchange contracts, derivatives assets, designated as cash flow hedges

Options on interest rate futures, derivatives assets, designated as cash flow hedges

Derivatives assets, designated as fair value hedges

Interest rate swaps, derivatives assets, designated as fair value hedges

Currency swaps, derivatives assets, designated as fair value hedges

Swaps, derivatives assets, designated as fair value hedges

Currency futures, derivatives assets, designated as fair value hedges

Options, derivatives assets, designated as fair value hedges

Forwards & Futures, derivatives assets, designated as fair value hedges

Interest rate futures, derivatives assets, designated as fair value hedges

Options on currency futures, derivatives assets, designated as fair value hedges

Forward foreign exchange contracts, derivatives assets, designated as fair value hedges

Options on interest rate futures, derivatives assets, designated as fair value hedges

Currency futures/ forward foreign exchange contracts, derivatives assets, designated as fair value hedges

Options on interest rate swaps (swaptions), derivatives assets, designated as fair value hedges

Derivatives assets, designated as hedges of net investment

Derivative financial instruments, liability

Derivatives liabilities, designated as cash flow hedges

Options, derivatives liabilities, designated as cash flow hedges

Options on interest rate futures, derivatives liabilities, designated as cash flow hedges

Options on currency futures, derivatives liabilities, designated as cash flow hedges

Forward foreign exchange contracts, derivatives liabilities, designated as cash flow hedges

Interest rate swaps, derivatives liabilities, designated as cash flow hedges

Interest rate futures, derivatives liabilities, designated as cash flow hedges

Forwards & Futures, derivatives liabilities, designated as cash flow hedges

Currency swaps, derivatives liabilities, designated as cash flow hedges

Swaps, derivatives liabilities, designated as cash flow hedges

Currency futures, derivatives liabilities, designated as cash flow hedges

Options on interest rate swaps (swaptions), derivatives liabilities, designated as cash flow hedges

Currency futures/ forward foreign exchange contracts, derivatives liabilities, designated as cash flow hedges

Derivatives liabilities, designated as fair value hedges

Forwards & Futures, derivatives liabilities, designated as fair value hedges

Currency futures, derivatives liabilities, designated as fair value hedges

Options, derivatives liabilities, designated as fair value hedges

Interest rate futures, derivatives liabilities, designated as fair value hedges

Swaps, derivatives liabilities, designated as fair value hedges

Currency swaps, derivatives liabilities, designated as fair value hedges

Interest rate swaps, derivatives liabilities, designated as fair value hedges

Options on currency futures, derivatives liabilities, designated as fair value hedges

Options on interest rate futures, derivatives liabilities, designated as fair value hedges

Options on interest rate swaps (swaptions), derivatives liabilities, designated as fair value hedges

Currency futures/ forward foreign exchange contracts, derivatives liabilities, designated as fair value hedges

Forward foreign exchange contracts, derivatives liabilities, designated as fair value hedges

Derivatives liabilities, designated as hedges of net investment

Derivatives liabilities, held for trading

Hedge accounting [heading]

Fair value hedges [heading]

Fair value of financial instruments designated as fair value hedges

Gain (loss) on hedging instruments designated as fair value hedges

Gain (loss) on fair value hedged items attributable to hedged risk

Fair value hedge [grouping]

Description of specific fair value hedge

Fair value of specific financial instruments designated as fair value hedges

Gain (loss) on specific instruments designated as fair value hedges

Gain (loss) on hedged item related to specific fair value hedge attributable to hedged risk

Cash flow hedges [heading]

Fair value of financial instruments designated as cash flow hedges

Gain (loss) from fair value of cash flow hedges, before tax, in statement of total recognised gains and losses

Gain (loss) on reclassification of cash flow hedges to profit or loss from equity, before tax

Gains (losses) on ineffectiveness of cash flow hedges recognised in profit or loss

Cash flow hedge [grouping]

Description of specific cash flow hedge

Fair value of specific financial instruments designated as cash flow hedges

Amount arising from specific cash flow hedge recognised in equity

Amount arising from specific cash flow hedge transferred to income from equity

Loss (gain) from ineffectiveness of specific cash flow hedge recognised in profit and loss

For other gains and losses related to hedges of net investments, see 'Statement of Equity - Movement Analysis' [cross-reference]

Other non-derivative financial assets [heading]

Financial assets

Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss

Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, designated as upon initial recognition

Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, classified as held for trading

Derivative financial instruments, assets [heading]

For detailed breakdown and analysis of derivative assets and liabilities, see 'Financial Assets' Note and 'Financial Liabilities' Note [cross-reference]

Held-to-maturity investments

Loans and receivables

For breakdown and detailed analysis of loans and receivables, see 'Loans and Receivables' [cross-reference]

Available-for-sale financial assets

Derecognition of financial assets [grouping]

Description of specific financial assets which do not qualify for derecognition

Carrying amount of specific financial assets which do not qualify for recognition

Carrying amount of liabilities associated with specific financial assets which do not qualify

for recognition

Carrying amount of original financial assets prior to reclassification or transfer

Collateral [heading]

Financial assets pledged as collateral subject to sale or repledging

Financial assets pledged as collateral, total carrying value

Collateral held which may be sold or repledged, total fair value

Collateral held which has been sold or repledged, total fair value

Assets obtained by taking possession of collateral, total carrying value

Analysis of impairment and past due but not impaired for financial assets [heading]

For past due but not impaired analysis, use appropriate dimension members [explanation]

Allowances for credit losses, financial assets [grouping]

Description of specific class of financial asset

Amount recorded in impairment allowance account for specific type of financial asset

Reconciliation of changes in impairment allowance account [grouping]

Description of reconciling item in impairment account

Amount of reconciling item in impairment account

Other non-derivative financial liabilities [heading]

Financial liabilities

Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss

Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss, classified as held for trading

Other financial liabilities held for trading

Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss, designated as upon initial recognition

Other financial liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss

Contingent considerations, liabilities

Financial guarantee contracts

Derivative financial instruments, liabilities [heading]

For detailed breakdown of 'derivatives financial instruments, liabilities', see 'Derivatives Financial Instruments and Hedge Accounting' note [cross-reference]

Financial liabilities at amortised cost

For detailed breakdown of 'total borrowing', see 'Borrowings' note [cross-reference]

For detailed breakdown of 'trade and other payables', see 'Trade and Other Payables' note [cross-reference]

Other financial liabilities

Other financial liabiliteis designated at fair value through profit or loss

Other financial liabilities held for trading

Other financial liabilities at amortised cost

Accrued liabilities

For borrowings and trade and other payables, see 'Creditors and Borrowings' and 'Trade and Other Payables' notes [cross-reference]

Fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities [heading]

For carrying amount and fair value analysis, use appropriate dimension members [explanation]

Valuation of financial assets and liabilities [heading]

Financial assets valuation [grouping]

Aggregate increase (decrease) in value yet to be recognised arising from difference

between asset fair value and value from valuation technique, start of period

Non-disclosure of financial asset fair value information [grouping]

Description of specific financial assets for which fair value has not been disclosed

Carrying value of specific financial assets for which fair value has not been disclosed

Gain (loss) from derecognition of specific financial assets for which fair value was not disclosed

Financial liabilities value [grouping]

Description of specific type of financial liability

Aggregate increase (decrease) in value yet to be recognised arising from difference between liability fair value and value from valuation technique, start of period

Non-disclosure of financial liability fair value information [grouping]

Description of specific financial liabilities for which fair value has not been disclosed

Carrying value of specific financial liabilities for which fair value has not been disclosed

Carrying value of specific financial liabilities for which fair value was not disclosed and which have been derecognised

Gain (loss) from derecognition of specific financial liabilities for which fair value was not disclosed

Detail of financial instrument gains and losses recognised in the 'Statement of Total Recognised Gains and losses' [heading]

Gain (loss) from movement in hedging reserve

Aggregate gain (loss) on cash flow hedges, net of tax, in statement of total recognised gains and losses

Gain (loss) on hedge of investments in foreign operation, net of tax, in statement of total

recognised gains and losses

Gain (loss) from movement in available for sale reserve

For interest income and expenses on financial assets and liabilities, see 'Finance and Investment' in 'Notes on Profit and Loss' [cross-reference]

For gains and losses on financial assets and liabilities recognised in income, see 'Finance and Investment' in 'Notes on Profit and Loss' [cross-reference]

For risk management, see 'Financial Risk and Capital Management' note under 'Accounting Policies' section [cross-reference]

Provisions for liabilities and charges [heading]

Classes of provisions represented by dimension members

Provisions - movement analysis [heading]

Provisions for liabilities and charges, start of period

Provisions, utilised during period

Provisions, charged (credited) to profit and loss account during period

Provisions, additional amounts provided

Provisions, unwinding of discounted amount

Provisions, charged (credited) to statement of total recognised gains and losses during period

Provisions, increase (decrease) from reclassifications

Provisions, increase (decrease) from fair value adjustments

Provisions, decrease due to passage of time and change in discount rate

Provisions, net amounts arising from the acquisition and disposal of businesses

Provisions, amounts unused and reversed

Provisions, increase (decrease) from exchange adjustments

Provisions, increase (decrease) from transfers from investments

Provisions, increase (decrease) from other transfers

Provisions for liabilities and charges, end of period

Provisions for deferred taxation - further analysis [heading]

Discounted provision for deferred taxation

Undiscounted provision for deferred taxation

Difference between accumulated depreciation and amortisation and capital allowances

Other timing differences

Tax losses available

Discount on provision for deferred taxation

Deferred tax, current asset

Description of reasons why deferred tax asset should be recognised

Deferred tax liability

Called up share capital [heading]

Dimension members which must be used to distinguish total shares and individual share types and classes [heading]

Description of share type

Share capital, authorised

Number of shares authorised

Par value of share

Share capital, allotted, called up and paid

Shares allotted - movement analysis [heading]

Value of shares allotted, start of period

Number of shares, allotted, start of period

Value of shares allotted, increase (decrease) during period

Number of shares allotted, increase (decrease) during period

Consideration received for shares allotted during period

Value of shares allotted, end of period

Number of shares, allotted, end of period

Individual issue of shares [grouping]

Description or reasons for share issue

Number of shares issued

Nominal value of shares issued

Consideration for shares issued

Redeemable preference shares [heading]

Additional description of redeemable preference share, if required

Redemption value, redeemable preference share

Earliest redemption date, redeemable preference share

Definite redemption date, redeemable preference share

Dividend, percentage of par value, redeemable preference share

Dividend, monetary value, redeemable preference share

Date of dividend, redeemable preference share

Winding up value, redeemable preference share

Statement on whether redemption mandatory, at company option or shareholder option

Potential issues of shares [heading]

Number of shares subject to options

Shares subject to options [grouping]

Year of grant of option

Exercise price of option

Exercise period of option

Number of shares covered by option

Rights of shares [heading]

Description of rights to dividends

Description of rights on redemption, including dates and amounts payable

Description of rights on winding up, including priority and amounts

Description of rights to votes

General information on the rights, including classification of the share, variations with circumstance, other matters

Reserves [heading]

Reserves and dividends [heading]

Aggregate dividends paid in the financial year

Aggregate dividends due at balance sheet date

Aggregate dividends proposed before date of approval of accounts and not otherwise disclosed

Revaluation reserve, investment properties

Revaluation reserve

Revaluation reserve, other items

Other aggregate reserves

Capital redemption reserve

Reserve for own shares

Hedging reserve

Other reserves

Fair value / available-for-sale reserve

Profit and loss account reserve

Pension reserve

Minority interest, balance sheet

Statement on treatment for tax purposes of amounts debited or credited to fair value reserve

Total reserves - movement analysis [heading]

Total reserves, start of period

Profit (loss) for the period

Share-related awards, increase (decrease) in total reserves

Premium on share issues - Net

Premium on share issues - Gross

Share issues expenses

Purchase of own shares, decrease (increase) in total reserves

Share dividend alternative, increase (decrease) in total reserves

Redemption of preference shares, decrease (increase) in total reserves

Conversion of exchangeable undated loan capital, increase (decrease) in total reserves

Revaluation of interests in subsidiary undertakings, increase (decrease) in total reserves

Goodwill arising on acquisitions

Goodwill resurrected (lost) on disposal of subsidiaries

Employee share option payments, decrease (increase) in total reserves

Gain (loss) recognised from foreign exchange differences, excluding gains on financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss

Gain (loss) recognised from foreign exchange adjustments on intangible fixed assets

Gain (loss) recognised from foreign exchange adjustments on tangible fixed assets

Gain (loss) recognised from foreign exchange adjustments on interests in joint ventures and associates

Gain (loss) recognised from foreign exchange adjustments on provisions

Gain (loss) recognised from foreign exchange adjustments on overseas subsidiaries

Gain (loss) recognised from other foreign exchange differences

Gain (loss) from tax on exchange adjustments

Revaluation surplus in period

Actuarial gain (loss) recognised in pension schemes

Loss (gain) from deferred tax, total reserves

Deferred tax arising on gains (losses) in pension schemes

Fair value of hedges, increase (decrease) in total reserves

Capitalisation of own reserves, decrease (increase) in total reserves

Dividends withdrawn from total reserves

Total transfer to (from) total reserves

Total reserves, end of period

Share premium account - movement analysis [heading]

Share premium account, start of period

Share-related awards, increase (decrease) in share premium account

Premium on share issues, share premium account - Net

Premium on share issues, share premium account - Gross

Share issues expenses, share premium account

Purchase of own shares, decrease (increase) in share premium account

Share dividend alternative, increase (decrease) in share premium account

Redemption of preference shares, decrease (increase) in share premium account

Conversion of exchangeable undated loan capital, increase (decrease) in share premium account

Gain (loss) from exchange adjustments, share premium account

Transfer from (to) share premium account

Share premium account, end of period

Revaluation reserve - movement analysis [heading]

Revaluation reserve, start of period

Revaluation reserve, end of period

Revaluation reserve, properties - movement analysis [heading]

Revaluation reserve, properties

Revaluation reserve, investment properties - movement analysis [heading]

Revaluation reserve, investment properties, start of period

Revaluation reserve, investment properties, end of period

Revaluation reserve, other items - movement analysis [heading]

Revaluation reserve, other items, start of period

Revaluation reserve, other items, end of period

Acquisition and merger reserve - movement analysis [heading]

Acquisition and merger reserve, start of period

Charge in relation to share-related awards, acquisition and merger reserve

Premium on share issues, acquisition and merger reserve - Net

Premium on share issues, acquisition and merger reserve - Gross

Share issues expenses, acquisition and merger reserve

Share dividend alternative, acquisition and merger reserve

Acquisition and merger reserve, end of period

Equity reserve - movement analysis [heading]

Equity reserve

Other aggregate reserves - movement analysis [heading]

Other aggregate reserves, start of period

Other aggregate reserves, end of period

Capital redemption reserve - movement analysis [heading]

Capital redemption reserve, start of period

Capital redemption reserve, end of period

Own shares reserve - movement analysis [heading]

Reserve for own shares, start of period

Reserve for own shares, end of period

Hedging reserve - movement analysis [heading]

Hedging reserve, start of period

Fair value of hedges, increase (decrease) in own shares reserve

Transfer from (to) hedging reserve

Hedging reserve, end of period

Foreign exchange translation account - movement analysis [heading]

Foreign exchange translation reserve, start of period

Gain (loss) recognised from foreign exchange differences, excluding gains on financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss

Gain (loss) recognised from foreign exchange adjustments on intangible fixed assets

Gain (loss) recognised from foreign exchange adjustments on tangible fixed assets

Gain (loss) recognised from foreign exchange adjustments on interests in joint ventures and associates

Gain (loss) recognised from foreign exchange adjustments on provisions

Gain (loss) recognised from foreign exchange adjustments on overseas subsidiaries

Gain (loss) recognised from other foreign exchange differences

Gain (loss) from tax on exchange adjustments

Transfer from (to) foreign exchange translation account

Foreign exchange translation reserve, end of period

Fair value / Available-for-sale reserve - movement analysis [heading]

Fair value / available-for-sale reserve, start of period

Fair value / available-for-sale reserve, end of period

Profit and loss account reserve - movement analysis [heading]

Profit and loss account reserve, start of period

Profit (loss) for the period

Total dividend payment

Goodwill arising on acquisitions

Goodwill resurrected (lost) on disposal of subsidiaries

Actuarial gain (loss) recognised in pension schemes

Total transfer to (from) profit and loss account reserve

Transfer to (from) profit and loss account reserve from (to) share premium account

Transfer to (from) profit and loss account reserve from (to) foreign exchange translation account

Transfer to (from) profit and loss account reserve from (to) hedging reserve

Transfer to (from) profit and loss account reserve from (to) other reserves

Profit and loss account reserve, end of period

Pension reserve and profit and loss reserve [heading]

Pension reserve

Increase (decrease) in pension reserve

Other reserves - movement analysis [heading]

Other reserves, start of period

Other reserves, end of period

Cumulative goodwill [heading]

Cumulative goodwill written off against reserves - Net

Contingent liabilities and assets [heading]

Amount outstanding on guaranteed overdrafts of subsidiaries

Unsecured guarantees by subsidiaries to third parties

For contingent consideration liabilities classed as financial instruments, see 'Financial Instruments' note [cross-reference]

Commitments and guarantees [heading]

Commitments under non-cancellable operating leases [heading]

Commitments under non-cancellable operating leases, land and buildings

Land and buildings operating leases expiring within one year

Land and buildings operating leases expiring between two and five years

Land and buildings operating leases expiring after five years

Commitments under non-cancellable operating leases, other items

Other operating leases expiring within one year

Other operating leases expiring between two and five years

Other operating leases expiring after five years

Commitments under non-cancellable operating leases, total

Operating leases expiring within one year

Operating leases expiring between two and five years

Operating leases expiring after five years

Assets with non-recourse finance arrangements [grouping]

Description of asset with non-recourse finance arrangement

Gross value of asset with non-recourse finance arrangement

Finance deducted for asset with non-recourse finance arrangement

Interest payments for asset with non-recourse finance arrangement

Factoring and other charges for asset with non-recourse finance arrangement

Substance of transactions and unusual assets and liabilities [heading]

Substance of transactions [grouping]

Description of a transaction underlying the financial statements and its commercial effect

Unusual assets and liabilities [grouping]

Description of unusual asset or liability

Sale and repurchase agreements [heading]

Sale and repurchase arrangements which are not financing transactions [grouping]

Description of sale and repurchase arrangement which is not a financing transaction

Sale and repurchase arrangements based on a secured loan [grouping]

Description of sale and repurchase arrangement based on a secured loan

Sale and repurchase arrangements under which seller has a different asset [grouping]

Description of sale and repurchase arrangement under which seller has a different asset

Securitisations [heading]

Securitised assets, gross

Securitisation reported under linked presentation [grouping]

Description of assets securitised

Income (expense) recognised from securitisation in period

Loan transfers [heading]

Loans outstanding subject to loan transfer arrangements

Loan transfer reported under linked presentation [grouping]

Description of main terms of loan transfer arrangement

Loans transferred and outstanding, gross

Profit (loss) from loan transfer arrangement

Post balance sheet event [grouping]

Description of post balance sheet event and estimate of its financial effect

Off balance sheet arrangement [grouping]

Description of off balance sheet arrangement and its financial impact

Notes on Cash Flow Statement [heading]

Dimension members which may be used with cash flow items [heading]

Total for all operating activities [default]

Continuing operations, including acquisitions


Continuing operations, excluding acquisitions

Discontinued operations

Taxation paid

UK corporation tax paid

Foreign tax paid

Other UK tax paid

Pension arrangements [heading]

Defined contribution scheme [heading]

Dimension items used to distinguish different pension schemes [heading]

Name of defined contribution scheme

Defined benefit scheme [heading]

Dimension items used to distinguish different pension schemes [heading]

Name of defined benefit scheme

Defined benefit schemes overall assets and liabilities [heading]

Liability arising from pension schemes that are wholly unfunded

Liability arising from pension schemes that are wholly or partly funded

Explanation for any difference between the net asset (liability) for all schemes shown in the

balance sheet and the total across individual schemes

Employee remuneration vehicles [heading]

Employee share ownership plan [grouping]

Name of ESOP trust

Description of ESOP trust

Decrease in shareholders’ funds related to shares in individual ESOP trust which have not

yet been vested unconditionally in employees

Deduction from aggregate dividends for dividends for individual ESOP trust

Employee benefit trust [grouping]

Name of employee benefit trust

Share-based payments [heading]

Share-based payment schemes [heading]

Use dimensions to identify individual share-based payment schemes [heading]

Name of share-based arrangement

Number of share options [heading]

Number of share options outstanding, start of period

Number of share options granted during the period

Number of share options forfeited during the period

Number of share options exercised during the period

Number of share options expired during the period

Number of share options outstanding, end of period

Number of share options exercisable

Fair value of grants during the period [heading]

Fair value of options granted during the period [grouping]

Type of option, share based payment scheme

Weighted average fair value of options granted during the period at measurement date

Weighted average fair value per option of options granted during the period at measurement date

Fair value of equity instruments other than options granted during the period [grouping]

Weighted average fair value of equity instruments other than options granted during the period at measurement date

Charges and liabilities arising from share-based payments [heading]

Charge (credit) arising from share-based payments

Prior period and policy change adjustments [heading]

Dimension members used to represent restated information [heading]

Prior period and policy change adjustments general free-text comment

Related party transactions [grouping]

Names of the related parties involved in the transaction

Description of the relationship between the parties

Description of the transaction and general amounts involved

Amount due from (to) related party

Provision for doubtful debt due from related party

Amount written off in period in respect of debt due from related party

Accounts presented in currency other than pound sterling [heading]

Principal currency used in business report

Use currencies dimension to identify currency [explanation]

Exchange rate used against sterling

Description of type and means of measurement of rate against sterling

Business and geographic segment information [heading]

Name of business segment

Links with group companies [heading]

Parent of largest group in which results are consolidated [grouping]

Name of parent of largest group in which results are consolidated

Parent of smallest group in which results are consolidated [grouping]

Name of parent of smallest group in which results are consolidated

Ultimate parent entity or controlling party [grouping]

Name of controlling party

Controlling party is ultimate controlling party

Statement that ultimate controlling party is not known

Related party transaction exemption is being claimed

Information on subsidiaries, associates, joint-ventures and other participating interests and investments [heading]

Subsidiary [heading]

Dimension members which identify subsidiaries [heading]

Name of subsidiary

Principal activity, subsidiary

Description of subsidiary

Country of incorporation, subsidiary

Use countries dimension to identify country [explanation]

Principal area of operation, subsidiary

Accounting period, subsidiary

Percentage of subsidiary held

Included in consolidation, subsidiary

Reason for exclusion from the consolidation

Use dimension members to identify quasi-subsidiaries [explanation]

Joint-venture [heading]

Dimension members which identify joint-ventures [heading]

Name of joint-venture

Principal activity, joint-venture

Description of joint-venture

Country of incorporation, joint-venture

Use countries dimension to identify country [explanation]

Percentage of joint-venture held

Associate [heading]

Dimension members which identify associates [heading]

Name of associate

Principal activity, associate

Description of associate

Country of incorporation, associate

Use countries dimension to identify country [explanation]

Percentage of associate held

Statement on scope of Companies Act Schedule Five disclosures

Consolidation information [heading]

For subsidiaries not included in the consolidation, see 'Subsidiaries' note [crossreference]

Transactions with subsidiaries, joint-ventures or associates which are not recognised [grouping]

Description of transaction which is artificial or lacks substance and which leads to no gain or loss being recognised

Membership of unlimited companies and qualifying partnerships [heading]

Membership of unlimited company [grouping]

Name of unlimited company

Membership of qualifying partnership [grouping]

Name of qualifying partnership