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IRIS Winter v22.4.0.132


The latest release of the IRIS Accountancy Suite version resolves the issues around Dormant accounts and the Corporation tax losses on the CT600.


IRIS Company Secretarial

Dormant Company Accounts (AA02) – Electronic Filing

In early October 2022 Companies House decided to deprecate the use of a specific Taxonomy historically used by the software to allow electronic filing of dormant accounts.  This action subsequently prevented customers from electronically filing these accounts using the software.  As part of this release, we have reintroduced the electronic filing capability using the latest FRC taxonomy.  We apologies for any inconvenience caused during the outage.


IRIS Business Tax

CT600 Updates - Corporation tax losses and brought forward amounts  

In accordance with recently update HMRC guidance Boxes 830/835 (Non trading losses on intangible fixed assets) and boxes 850/855 (Management expenses) on the CT600, will now correctly only reflect the loss arising in the year and not the brought forward values.