
Not Started

Where HMRC have returned a status of not met for an obligation and no data has been entered then the status will show as Not started.

The deadline for this submission will be shown in the status bar.

In Progress

Where HMRC have returned a status of not met for an obligation and data has been entered then the status will show as In progress.

The deadline for this submission will be shown in the status bar.


Where HMRC have returned a status of met for an obligation then the status will show as Complete, in this scenario the data entry will be locked and can’t be amended.

The date HMRC received the submission will be shown in the status bar.


Where HMRC have returned a status of not met for an obligation and a submission has been attempted and rejected the status will show as Rejected.

The data entry will be locked in this scenario, to unlock the data click Unfinalise.

The reason for the rejection will be shown in the status bar.