Trust Set-up

• How is this screen accessed?


To set up a new Trust select the Client menu at the top left of the Trust screen and click New Client. Alternatively, the same screen can be accessed by clicking the magnifying glass next to the client identifier box and clicking on the PLUS (+) Sign at the top on the Client Browser screen.

IRIS presents a series of screens when creating a new person. This automated process is called a wizard. It is not necessary to fill in all the information but a few of the fields are compulsory, for example Trust name, type of trust and client identifier.


  1. New Trust screen - if the Trust is not already on the IRIS database, ensure that the radio button is shown in 'create a new client' and then click Next.

  1. Trust Details screen - the minimum required information is the Trust name and Type of Trust. The Trust will not normally have its own address. Click Next to continue.

  1. Practice management/time & fees options - GPM or Time and Fees users may want to select a client grouping, partner, manager or client category. These items are all optional.  Click Next to continue.

  1.   Summary screen - this shows a summary of the information entered. If any information is incorrect, click Back to go back and correct, otherwise click Finish to continue.

Client identifier - enter an identifier
. This may be up to 10 characters. We recommend that the identifier is made up of letters and/or numbers. It is possible to include spaces in the id as well as the following symbols: / ( ) - & !. (Note that if hyphens are used, the range separator used in Practice Management should not be a hyphen).

  1. Click OK to set up the client.

  1. Principal Trustee warning - once the Trust has been set up a warning will appear advising that a Principal Trustee has not been set up. Click OK.


Further information may be added to the Trust record by opening the client maintenance screens. This would include setting up the Principal Trustee and entering details such as tax reference and district.