Unable to reconcile the Billing Analysis Write Out figure

“I have run a Billing Analysis report and a WIP Movements Report for the same month – why does the write out figure differ between the two reports?”

This document will explain the purpose of the billing analysis report and provide the reasons why the write out figure on the billing analysis report will not reconcile to other reports.


Purpose of the Billing Analysis Report

The billing analysis report is designed to show the recovery of an invoice. For example, to show an invoice posted for £1000, £800 of time is written out and that a recovery of £200 has been made.

The report is not designed to track movements of invoices. For example, to show an invoice was reversed in January and reposted in March, or the movements of write out postings for different dates/periods. This is why the Billing Analysis report may not reconcile with other reports which are designed to track these movements, such as the Time Ledger WIP Movements report or Time Ledger Reconciliation report.


Additional Write Out Postings In Different Periods

When an invoice is posted into Fees a write out posting is created in Time. It is possible to

increase the amount of WIP written out on an invoice after the invoice has been posted. This

can happen if an invoice is set to write out to a date or if further WIP is written out using the

manual matching screens. The additional write out postings can be posted into a later period

than the original invoice.  For example:

This is how the write out figures will be shown in each report:

  Billing Analysis

WIP Movements



February £0


Total £950



Invoice Reversals

The billing analysis is designed to show the recovery made for the work completed. When an invoice is reversed it is removed from the billing analysis report as the invoice does not exist and a recovery has not been made for that date / period. For example:


Billing Analysis

WIP Movements














Recommended Reports

If you want to look at a particular invoice and find out the recovery for that invoice, then it is recommended that the billing analysis report is used.

If you want to track the write out movements of invoices for reconciliation purposes then the recommended reports are the Time Ledger WIP Movements or the Time Ledger Reconciliation report.

If you require more information about reporting and reconciling your figures, see Reconciling in IRIS Time & Fees.