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Receipts can be recorded to show that a client has made a payment. For example, practice has received a cheque from the client.
To post a receipt through adhoc posting:
Enter the Fees Ledger.
Click Posting.
Select Adhoc Posting.
or to post a receipt through batches:
Enter the Fees Ledger.
Click Posting.
Select Batches.
To post a receipt:
Posting Type - select the posting type as receipt.
Client - type in the client, or select using the magnifying glass. For example, A001. This is the client that has made the payment.
Date - enter the posting date of the receipt. For example, 5/11/2002.
Amount - enter the value of the receipt. For example, if a cheque has been received for £100 enter 100 in the field provided.
Reference - supply a reference for additional identification, for example REC001.
This can be used for matching to invoices by cross reference.
The Fees Ledger provides an Automatic reference generation facility, so that postings made within the Fees Ledger can be automatically numbered consecutively.
Cross Reference - enter the reference of the invoice that you wish to match the receipt against. For example, INV001. For a list of invoices posted against this client click Account.
Narrative - enter a narrative to give additional details about the posting.
Apply a discount element - to give the receipt a discount select Apply discount element.
To apply a discount enter a rate at which to discount. For example, enter 10 to give a discount of 10%. This will then calculate a discount value and the total value after the discount has been applied.
Account for VAT - select to account for VAT on receipt.
This option can be used by practices who are cash accounting. VAT is often calculated on the receipt once the receipt has been matched to an invoice. The account for VAT option allows for VAT to be calculated on unmatched receipts.
Bank Account - receipt postings are placed into the default nominal code Bank Account. Click here for a list of the Fees Ledger default nominal codes.
To post the receipt click Post, or click Close to cancel.