Base View idvTimePosting


This view exposes the rows in TFTimePosting that represent postings to time ledger accounts.

Similarly the ParentPosting fields have been directly exposed for efficiency reasons when retrieving by these columns. Timesheet is implied by type = TS or TA, otherwise is instruction.

Type = Base view suitable for advanced end user use



AccountObjectType The object type of the object this account is for (3 = non charge activity, 57 = job).
AccountInternalId The internal id of the object this account is for
JobInternalId Internal identifier of job the totals are for
NonChargeInternalId Internal identifier of non charge activity the totals are for
Chargeable 'Y' if the time is chargeable, else 'N'
NonAccountable 'Y' if the time is non accountable, else 'N'
Year The year part of the time period
Period The time period number within the year
Posting Unique posting number within period
Date The posting date
StaffInternalId Internal identifier of the staff member the posting is for
WorkTypeInternalId Internal identifier of the work type recorded against the posting
ExpenseCatInternalId Internal identifier of any expense category recorded against the posting
Type The type of postings - see idvTimePostingType
PostCategory The category of posting - see idvTimePostingCategory
Amount The posting amount (credit negative)
Matched The currently matched amount (credit negative)
WIPCost Where the posting is WIP this is the cost valuation of the posting (if costs are recorded)
ActualMinutes Where the posting represents actual time this is the actual time spent (in minutes)
ExpenseQuantity Where the posting represents a 'per unit' expense (e.g. mileage) this is the number of units
ExpenseCost Where the posting represents an expense this is the expense cost (before any markup, and if costs are recorded).
IncludesWIP 'Y' = Posting includes a WIP element, else 'N'
IncludesExpenses 'Y' = Posting includes an expenses element, else 'N'
ChargePremiumApplied 'Y' = Posting has had a charge premium applied, else 'N'
Pending 'Y' = Posting has not yet been applied to the ledger
Cancelled 'Y' if the posting has been cancelled, else 'N'
Contra 'Y' if the posting is a contra balancing a cancelled posting, else 'N'
Reference Any reference associated withthe posting
Narrative User entered narrative associated with the posting
ChargeRateInternalId Internal identifier of charge rate used to calculate posting value (where relevant)
CostRateInternalId Internal identifier of cost rate used to calculate posting cost value (where relevant)
WriteOutSelection When postings are manually selected for write out this is the selection number that identifies them (and matches the selection number in the instruction write out details).
TimeSheetYear When the posting is associated with a timesheet this, and the next two columns, identify the timesheet by year, period and timesheet number in period
TimeSheetPeriod See TimeSheetYear
TimeSheetNumber See TimeSheetYear
InstructionYear When the posting arises as a result of an instruction this, and the next two columns, identify the instruction by year, period and instruction number in period
InstructionPeriod See InstructionYear
InstructionNumber See InstructionYear
ParentYear Duplicates TimeSheetYear or InstructionYear for efficient queries
ParentPeriod Duplicates TimeSheetPeriod or InstructionPeriod for efficient queries
ParentObject Duplicates TimeSheetNumber or InstructionNumber for efficient queries
WhoPosted The internal identifier of the staff member who made the posting
WhenPosted When the posting was actually made

