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This view exposes the rows in TFTimeInstruction that represent instructions to match or unmatch WIP and/or expenses on the time ledger.
The ParentPosting fields have been directly exposed for efficiency reasons when retrieving by these columns.
Type = Base view suitable for advanced end user use
JobInternalId | Internal identifier of the job the instruction is for |
Year | The year part of the time period |
Period | The time period number within the year |
Instruction | Unique instruciton number within period |
Date | The instruction date |
Type | The type of instruction - see idvTimePostingType |
Amount | The memo amount of the instruction as credit negative. Thus for an invoice it is negative and equal to the ex VAT amount billed to the customer. On a credit note it is positive. It is zero for write off instructions. |
WriteOut | The current amount written out (or off) by the instruction. This is the sum total of all postings arising, with the same sign convention as 'Amount' |
Pending | 'Y' = Instruction has not yet been applied to the ledger |
Current | 'Y' if the instruction is still current, else 'N' |
Undone | 'Y' if the instruction has been undone, else 'N' |
Reference | Any reference associated with the instruction |
Narrative | User entered narrative associated with the instruction |
FeesPostingYear | When the instruction arises as a result of a fees posting this, and the next two columns, identify the fees posting by year, period and posting number in period |
FeesPostingPeriod | See FeesPostingYear |
FeesPostingNumber | See FeesPostingNumber |
ParentYear | Duplicates FeesPostingYear without NULLs for efficient queries |
ParentPeriod | Duplicates FeesPostingPeriod without NULLs for efficient queries |
ParentObject | Duplicates FeesPostingNumber without NULLs forefficient queries |
WhoPosted | The internal identifier of the staff member who made the posting |
WhenPosted | When the posting was actually made |