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This view exposes the rows in TFPeriod that represent time ledger and fees ledger periods.
On the time ledger start and end date are entered by the user and represent the true start and end date of the period. On the fees ledger they represent the earliest and latest posting dates in the period, and may overlap.
Type = Base view present to support commonality, not normally intended for end user use
LedgerType | 1 for Fees, 3 for Time |
Year | The year part of the period |
Number | The period number within the year |
StartDate | Period start date |
EndDate | Period end date |
Status | The period status
WhoCreated | The internal identifier of the staff member who created the object |
WhenCreated | When the object was created |
WhoLoggedStatus | The internal identifier of the staff member who logged the latest status change to the object |
WhenStatusLogged | When the latest status change to the object actually happened |
This view is directly inherited by the following views: