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This view exposes the rows in ISOL1451 that represent job stages.
You need some care in interpreting this information.
For a particular job instance the 'relevant' stages are determined as:
All the template entries for that job type except
Any that are marked as not relevant to that type of client and
Any that have a corresponding 'not applicable' entry in this view
There are thus two common reasons for a stage appearing in this view:
The stage has been completed, and the entry in the view records this fact
The stage is not applicable to this job, and the entry in the view records that fact
And, in particular, the absence of a stage in this view does not mean that it doesn't exist (it may be implied by the template), and the presence of a stage in this view does not mean that it does exist (it may simply be recording a 'not applicable').
Type = Base view suitable for advanced end user use
ClientObjectType | Type of client object |
ClientInternalId | Internal identifier of client object |
JobInstanceInternalId | The internal identifier of the job instance that this row represents a stage for |
InternalId | The job stage internal Id for table ISOL1451 |
TemplateInternalId | The internal id of the parent job stage template row |
DueDate | Date the job stage is/was due. |
CompletedDate | Date the job stage was completed (note - the job stage, not the job itself). |
WhoMarkedComplete | Internal identifier of the staff member who marked the job stage as complete. |
MarkedNotApplicable | If set to 'Y' then the presence of a row indicates that the stage is not applicable to that particular job |