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This view exposes the rows in TFNominalPost that represent breakdowns of postings on the fees ledger.
In the current implementation the nominal period will always be equal to the fees period of the originating action.
Type = Base view suitable for advanced end user use
Year | The year part of the fees period |
Period | The fees period number within the year |
Posting | Unique posting number within period |
Date | The posting date |
NominalInternalId | The internal identifier of the nominal code |
Amount | The posting amount (credit negative, but note that these postings follow nominal conventions, so the control account has the same sign as the fees posting with the breakdown accounts sign reversed) |
Source | P = originates from a fees posting, M = originates from a fees matching |
SourceYear | The year part of the originating fees period |
SourcePeriod | The fees period number within the originating year |
SourceRecordNo | Either the fees posting number (within period) if Source = P, or the fees matching number (within period) if Source = M |
SourceSequence | Sequencing of postings within one source. (Some parts of current code rely on the sequence of postings). |
Reference | Any reference associated with the posting (e.g. a VAT receipt reference on a VAT transfer originating from a matching record. |
Narrative | Any user supplied narrative (Reference and Narrative are only really relevant to postings arising from matching actions.) |
VATPosting | 'Y' if the posting is a VAT posting (including posting to VAT reserve, VAT not yet invoiced etc). |
VATDiscounted | 'Y' if the VAT rate has been discounted in line with normal terms of trade for early payment. |
VATRateId | The identifier of the VAT rate used (if a VAT posting) |
VATRateValue | The actual rate value used in VAT calculation |
TrueVATRateValue | The true VAT rate value (pre any discount) |
VATRateDiscount | The rate of VAT discount applied |
VATInputOutput | The VAT output - always positive |