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This view exposes the rows in TFWriteOutDetails that represent the user's instructions to write out time. These may arise from the fees ledger or the time ledger.
The VAT information is optional and may not always be present.
Type = Base view present to support commonality, not normally intended for end user use
InternalId | Unique identifier of this write out details row |
FeesYear | This, plus the next two columns, identify the parent fees posting by year, period and posting number. Each row in this table (under current implementation) is owned either by a fees posting or a time instruction. Whichever is not the owner has all refernce fields zero |
FeesPeriod | See FeesYear |
FeesPosting | See FeesYear |
TimeYear | This, plus the next two columns, identify the parent time instruction by year, period and instruction number. Each row in this table (under current implementation) is owned either by a fees posting or a time instruction. Whichever is not the owner has all refernce fields zero |
TimePeriod | See TimeYear |
TimeInstruction | See TimeYear |
JobInternalId | The internal identifier of the job against which the instruction is to be applied. This serves to identify the time account that is the target |
BilledExVAT | The ex VAT billed amount |
VATRateId | The VAT rate identifier |
VATRate | The actual VAT rate |
VATAmount | The actual VAT amount |
Type | Type of instruction
IncludeTime | 'Y' to include time in matching, else 'N' |
IncludeExpenses | 'Y' to include expenses in matching, else 'N' |
WriteOutCapped | 'Y' if total write out is capped to supplied amount |
Amount | Amount (for GROSS or NET) or capped amout for others |
ToDate | Write out date (for DATE) |
SelectionNumber | Posting selection number (for SELECT) |
UndoTargetType | For UNDO only - 'F' = fees ledger, 'T' = time ledger |
UndoTargetYear | For UNDO only. This and the next two columns select the original action to be undone by year, period and number (which is a fees posting or time instruction number as appropriate). |
UndoTargetPeriod | See UndoTargetYear |
UndoTargetNumber | See UndoTargetYear |
This view is directly inherited by the following views: