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This view exposes the rows in the database table that represent practice personal clients.
Base view suitable for advanced users.
InternalId |
The internal identifier of the person |
PersonsName |
A single string name for the person |
Surname |
The person's surname |
MaidenName |
The person's maiden name |
Initials |
The person's initials |
Title |
The person's title |
Forenames |
The person's forenames |
Qualifications |
Any qualifications held by the person |
FormalSalutation |
Formal salutation |
InformalSalutation |
Informal salutation |
Nationality |
The person's nationality |
Honours |
Any honours held by the person |
OtherFileReference |
Any otehr file reference recorded for the client |
Sex |
'M' = male, 'F' = female |
DateOfEngagement |
The date of engagement as a client |
DateOfBirth |
The person's date of birth |
DateOfDeath |
The person's date of death |
NormalisedUTR |
Standardised UTR |
TaxReference |
Tax reference as entered |
EmployerReference |
Employer reference |
TaxDistrict |
Tax district |
NatInsNumber |
national insurance number |