![]() |
This view exposes the rows in the database table that represent businesses and trusts.
Base view suitable for advanced users.
ObjectType |
2 = business, 5 = trust - primarily to join to idvClient |
InternalId |
The internal identifier of the organisation |
OrganisationName |
The short name for the organisation |
Description |
Description of the organisation |
LongNameLine1 |
1st line of the organisation's long name |
LongNameLine2 |
2nd line of the organisation's long name |
LongNameLine3 |
3rd line of the organisation's long name |
TradingNameLine1 |
1st line of the organisation's trading name |
TradingNameLine2 |
2nd line of the organisation's trading name |
TradingNameLine3 |
3rd line of the organisation's trading name |
RegisteredNumber |
Businesses registered number (if relevant) |
OrganisationType |
The type of organisation
IsCloseCompany |
'Y' is a close company, 'N' isn't, NULL = not specified |
VATRegistered |
'Y' yes, 'N' no. (Iris makes the default assumption of 'yes' for an organisation |
VATNumber |
The VAT registration number |
OtherFileReference |
Any other file reference recorded for the client |
DateOfIncorporation |
incorporated (where relevant) |
TradingStarted |
Date trading started |
TradingCeased |
Date trading ceased |
NormalisedUTR |
Best guess at UTR normalised to 10 digits |
TaxReference |
Best guess at tax reference from free format field |
PAYEReference |
PAYE reference, |
TaxDistrict |
Best guess at tax district from free format field, |
PAYEDistrict |
Best guess at PAYE district from free format field, |
DateOfEngagement |
The date of engagement as a client |
MeanAcctPdMonth |
Mean accounting period end month |
MeanAcctPdDay |
Mean accounting period end day |
RegisteredNo |
registration number of organisation |