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This view takes the basic information on idvJobStage and joins it to its corresponding template information.
This view is only suitable for advanced users. Categorisation view recording links from base entity to other information.
ClientObjectType |
Object type of the client for whom the job is done |
ClientInternalId |
Internal identifier of the client for whom the job is done |
InternalId |
Internal identifier of the job stage itself |
JobTypeInternalId |
Internal identifier of the job type |
JobInstanceInternalId |
Internal identifier of the job instance |
TemplateInternalId |
Internal identifier of the template the job stage is derived from |
AssigneeInternalId |
Internal identifier of the staff member assigned to the job stage (if any) |
Assignee |
User visible identifier of the staff member assigned to the job stage (if any) |
AssigneeName |
Name of staff member assigned to the job stage |
DueDate |
Stage due date (where specified) |
CompletedDate |
Date Stage completed |
WhoMarkedComplete |
Internal identifier of staff member who marked the stage complete |
Description |
Description from the associated template |
SequenceNo |
Sequence number from the associated template |
This view is directly inherited by the following views: