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This view aggregates by period time ledger write out/back postings joined to the other postings that they are matched to by staff member.
Write off postings are also included.
There will be at least one row for each write out (or off or back).
If the posting is unmatched the 'other' posting fields, including the staff member internal identifier, will be null.
If the posting is matched then there will be one aggregated row for each staff member matched to. The details of the write out (off/back) will be replicated on each row.
Pending postings are not included in the results.
Cancelled and contra postings are included in the results. This is primarily because the contra may be in a different period to the cancelled posting, and the cancelled posting might have been included in last month's figures before it was cancelled. If we now didn't show the contra it would be difficult to reconcile.
This view is restricted to the current and previous calendar year as determined by today's date.
Type = End user business view, incorporating business logic (for advanced user use)
JobInternalId |
The internal identifier of the client job that the posting is for. |
Year |
The time ledger year in which the write out/off/back posting is made |
Period |
The time ledger period within year in which the write out/off/back posting is made |
Posting |
The posting number of the write out/off/back posting within time ledger year and period |
Date |
The date of the write out/off/back posting |
Type |
The type of the write out/off/back posting (see idvTimePostingType) |
PostTypeDesc |
The type of the write out/off/back posting in human readable form |
Contra |
'Y' if the posting is a contra. This allows you to distinguish between a bill and a bill cancellation for example (other than by the sign of the amount). |
Amount |
The posting write out amount as credit positive (i.e. a write out or off is positive, a write back is negative) |
TotalMatched |
The amount currently matched to the posting (same sign convention as the posting amount) |
OtherPostStaffInternalId |
The intenal identifier of the staff member associated with the postings that the write out is matched to (may be null if the posting is not a staff member posting) |
OtherPostAmount |
The total amount of all postings for the specified staff member that the write out is matched to. This is credit negative. Thus, typically, a write out will have a positive amount in the prime posting details AND this amount (typically representing a set of timesheet postings) will also be positive. |
MatchedToOtherPost |
The total amount matched to postings for the staff member with the same sign convention as for 'OtherPostAmount'. |